Satisfying Requests for Enhancements (RFEs) in version 10.1

HCL Workload Automation satisfies Requests for Enhancements (RFEs).

Requests for Enhancements (RFEs) give customers the opportunity to collaborate directly with the product development team and other users. The team prioritizes and develops new product features based on proposals made by customers.

HCL Workload Automation V 10.1 delivers the following RFEs:
datecalc utility is now available also for dynamic agents
You can now use the datacalc utility to resolve date expressions and return dates in the format you choose also on dynamic agents. For more information, see datecalc.
The init.cfg file is no longer overwritten during the upgrade phase
The init.cfg file is a file available for customization and so it should not be overwritten during the upgrade phase from Version 9.4 Fix Pack x. The file has now been moved to the following paths:

where tws_install_dir is the directory path where the agent is installed.

If you perform an upgrade from Version 9.4 Fix Pack x to Version 10.1, the file is automatically moved to the paths listed above.

For more information about the init.cfg file, see Rule operation notes.
Modified By and Last Modified have been reintroduced
With the new Workload Designer, the item information regarding who modified it and the last modify has been reintroduced.

To submit a new RFE, write us here: