Self-Service Catalog Approval Flow

Introducing the Self-Service Catalog Approval Flow.

Make the services of your Self-Service Catalog more interactive with the new Approval Flow feature.

With the Approval Flow feature, you can decide the outcome of a request using a human-in-the-loop approach, leveraging the integration with Jira or ServiceNow.

You may need an approval for a specific service on the Self-Service Catalog. For example, a manager may need to approve a new license request for a software to check if such request fits in the budget. With the Approval Flow feature, you can specify the need for an approval in the definition of a specific service.

The Self-Service Catalog user can monitor the status of the service, which changes according to the status of the ticket on Jira or ServiceNow.

Thanks to this new feature, requests that would require many different steps to be approved can be processed in just few clicks!