Running the conman program

About this task

To configure the environment for using conman, set the PATH and TWS_TISDIR variables by running one of the following scripts:
On UNIX® operating systems:
  • . ./TWS_home/ for Bourne and Korn shells
  • . ./TWS_home/tws_env.csh for C shells
On Windows® operating systems:
  • TWS_home\tws_env.cmd

Then use the following syntax to run commands from the conman user interface:

conman [custom_parameters][connection_parameters] ["command[&[command]...] [&]"]

Sets the working directory or current folder using the following syntax:
-cf /foldername
The current directory from where commands are submitted. The default current directory is the root (/).
-file customPropertiesFile
The custom properties file where you can specify connection parameters or custom parameters that override the values specified in the useropts, localopts and jobmanager.ini files. Connection parameters specified in the custom properties file must have the following syntax:
  CURRENT FOLDER=/foldername
If you are using conman from the master domain manager, the connection parameters were configured at installation and do not need to be supplied, unless you do not want to use the default values.
If you are using conman from the command line client on another workstation, the connection parameters might be supplied by one or more of these methods:
  • Stored in the localopts file
  • Stored in the useropts file
  • Supplied to the command in a parameter file
  • Supplied to the command as part of the command string

For an overview of these options, see Setting up options for using the user interfaces. For full details of the configuration parameters, see Configuring command-line client access authentication.

Note: If you are using conman from the command-line client on another workstation, for the following commands the conman command line connects to the server by using an HTTPS connection:
  • Rerunsucc
  • Listsucc
In this case, the command-line client assembles the full set of connection parameters in the following order:
  1. Parameters specified in the command string itself
  2. Parameters specified in the custom properties file
  3. The useropts file
  4. The localopts file
  5. The jobmanager.ini file
Valid values include:
[-host hostname]
The name of the host that you want to access by using wappman command line.
[-port port_number]
The TCP/IP port number used to connect to the specified host.
[-protocol {http | https}]
The protocol used to connect to the specified host.
[-proxy proxyName]
The name of the proxy server used when accessing a command-line client.
[-proxyport proxyPortNumber]
The TCP/IP port number of the proxy server used when accessing using a command-line client.
[-jwt JSON Web Token]
Specify the JWT to be used for authentication between the master domain manager and agents. You can retrieve the token from the Dynamic Workload Console. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the username and password parameters. The JWT authentication applies to the commands you launch in the shell where you specify the JWT.
[-username user_name]
An HCL Workload Automation user with sufficient privileges to perform the operation. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the jwt parameter.
[-password password]
The password of the HCL Workload Automation user. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the jwt parameter.
[-timeout seconds]
The timeout in seconds when accessing using a command-line client. The default is 3600 seconds.
If host, port, and protocol parameters are specified in a file, all of them must be specified in the same file.

You can invoke the conman command-line both in batch and in interactive mode.

When running conman in interactive mode, you at first launch the conman command-line program and then, from the conman command-line prompt you run commands one at a time, for example:
    conman –username  admin2  –password  admin2pwd
       ss @+state=hold;deps       
       dds sked5;needs=2 tapes
You can also launch the same command using JWT instead of username and password:
    conman –jwt aòsdfjasldfkjasdflòjahsdfjlkasd
       ss @+state=hold;deps       
       dds sked5;needs=2 tapes
When running conman in batch mode, you first launch the conman command-line program specifying as input parameter the command to be issued. Once the command is processed, the conman command-line program exits, for example
When issuing commands from conman in batch mode make sure you enclose the commands between double quotation marks. The following are examples of using batch mode to issue more than one command from within conman:
  • conman runs the sj and sp commands, and then quits:
    conman "sj&sp"
  • conman runs the sj and sp commands, and then prompts for a command:
    conman "sj&sp&"
  • conman reads commands from the file cfile:
    conman  cfile
  • commands from the file cfile are piped to conman:
    cat cfile | conman
Note: On Windows workstations, if the User Account Control (UAC) is turned on and the UAC exception list does not contain the cmd.exe file, you must open the DOS command prompt shell with the "Run As Administrator" option to run conman on your workstation as a generic user different from Administrator or HCL Workload Automation user.