Uninstalling manually on UNIX operating systems

Steps to take when uninstalling HCL Workload Automation master domain manager manually on UNIX operating systems.

To manually remove an HCL Workload Automation master domain manager complete the following steps.
Note: If your RDBMS is based on Oracle, browse to the TWA_DATA_DIR/usr/servers/engineServer/configDropins/overrides path and check in the datasource.xml configuration file the net service name used for your database before uninstalling the master domain manager.
1. Shut down all HCL Workload Automation operations and processes
  1. On a system prompt, go to the HCL Workload Automation installation path.
  2. Set the environment by running the twa_env.sh command.
  3. Stop the dynamic agent by running the ShutDownLwa command.
  4. Stop the event processor by running the conman stopmon command.
  5. Stop the application server process by running the conman stopappservman command.
  6. Stop netman, conman, and their child processes by running the conman “shut;wait” command.
  7. To verify that the following processes are inactive, run the command ps -ef | grep process_name.
2. Delete the HCL Workload Automation files
Delete all the files under the TWS_install_dir directory.
Note: The TWS_install_dir directory is not the HCL Workload Automation directory, as that might also contain a Dynamic Workload Console installation.
3. Drop the HCL Workload Automation tables into the RDBMS
On DB2:
Complete the following steps:
  1. From the program menu, open the DB2 command-line processor (CLP)
  2. Look for the database name by running the command:
    list db directory
  3. If you see an entry named your_db_name associated to the HCL Workload Automation instance, run the command:
    drop db your_db_name
  4. If you see an entry named your_db_name associated to the HCL Workload Automation instance, run the command:
    uncatalog db your_db_name_DB
  5. To see which node is attached to the master domain manager, run the command:
    list node directory
  6. Run the command:
    uncatalog node your_node
If the master domain manager was installed on the DB2 client, perform the same procedure also on the workstation where the master domain manager is installed.
Complete the following steps:
  1. Access the Oracle command line.
  2. Run the command:
    sqlplus system/password@net_service_name
  3. Delete all the tables related to the HCL Workload Automation instance by running the command:
    drop user ORACLE_TWS_user cascade;
4. Delete the HCL Workload Automation administrative user that was created at installation time.
5. Delete the HCL Workload Automation registries
  1. Edit the /etc/TWS/TWSRegistry.dat file.
  2. Delete the lines tagged with TWS_user.
  3. Go to the /etc/TWA directory which contains two files for each HCL Workload Automation instance installed.
  4. Look for the properties file that applies to the HCL Workload Automation instance to remove.
  5. Delete the properties file and the file with the same filename and extension .ext.
  6. Delete the /etc/init.d/tebetl-tws_cpa_agent_TWS_user directory.
6. Remove the Common Platforms Agent configuration file
Remove the file named /etc/teb/teb_tws_cpa_agent_TWS_user.ini.
7. Remove WebSphere Application Server Liberty
Delete all files located in the IWA_install_dir/wlp directory and the wlp directory itself.
Note: Do not delete the above files and directories if other components are installed and using WebSphere Application Server Liberty, such as the Dynamic Workload Console.