Revoking and reissuing a JSON Web Token

Steps to revoke and reissue a JWT

To revoke a JSON Web Token (JWT), delete the workstation definition to which the JWT is associated from the database. You can perform this operation from the Dynamic Workload Console or from the command line. To delete the agent from the command line, perform the following steps:
  1. Open a shell session.
  2. Launch the composer script.
  3. Type the following command:
    delete workstation workstation_name
    is the name of the agent whose JWT you want to revoke.

For more information about the delete command, see delete.

From the Dynamic Workload Console, you can perform the same operation as follows:
  1. Log in to the Dynamic Workload Console.
  2. Click Design > Workload Designer.
  3. Select an engine.
  4. Click the Workstation item card to display all existing workstations.
  5. Select the workstation to be deleted.
  6. Click Delete.

If you want the agent to authenticate with JWT again, download a new JWT to the agent using the AgentCertificateDownloader script.

Consider the following example:
./ --wauser MDMAdmin --wapassword 125784gtrOLK8542Mnfdw! 
--jwt true -tdwbhostname Saturn -tdwbport 37116

For more information about the AgentCertificateDownloader script, see Certificates download to dynamic agents and fault-tolerant agents - AgentCertificateDownloader script.