File Proxy installation - fileproxyinst script

This script installs the File Proxy in SSL mode

This section lists and describes the parameters that are used when running the fileproxyinst script to install the File Proxy in SSL mode on a workstation different from the master domain manager, where it is already installed by default. This command is supported on the following operating systems:
  • Windows with hardware x86-64
  • Linux with hardware x86-64
  • Linux with hardware IBM z Systems

You can optionally install the File Proxy in high availability configuration by specifying one or more proxy servers or a load balancer. To set up this configuration, use the Broker.fileproxy.urls property in the For more information, see file.

Log files produced by this command are located in data_dir/logs/. By default data_dir is installation_directory/FILEPROXYDATA.


Windows operating systems:
fileproxyinst.exe -acceptlicense yes [-lang language] -inst_dir installation_directory [-data_dir data_directory]
[-host hostname] [-sslport ssl_port_number] -sslfolder ssl_folder -sslpassword ssl_pwd
[-java_home java_home]
Linux64 and Linux for OS/390 operating systems:
./fileproxyinst -acceptlicense yes [-lang language] -inst_dir installation_directory [-data_dir data_directory]  
[-host hostname] [-sslport ssl_port_number] -sslfolder ssl_folder -sslpassword ssl_pwd
[-java_home java_home]


-acceptlicense yes|no
Required. Specify whether to accept the License Agreement. The default is no.
-lang language
Optional. The language in which the messages returned by the command are displayed. The default value is en_us.
-inst_dir installation_directory
Required. The directory of the File Proxy installation. The default value is the directory from which you start the command. Ensure that you have write access to this directory.
-data_dir data_dir
Optional. The directory where logs and configuration files are stored. The default value is installation_directory/FILEPROXYDATA. Ensure that you have write access to this directory.
-host hostname
Optional. The global, public host name of the workstation where you install the File Proxy or the IP address of the workstation.
-sslport ssl_port_number
Optional. The port to be used for secure communication. Supported values are integers between 1 and 65535. The default is 44444.
-sslfolder ssl_folder
Required. The name and path of the folder containing the certificates in .PEM format. (For details about how to create the certificates, see Creating a Certificate Authority and generating certificates). It must contain the following files and folder:
  • ca.crt
  • tls.crt
  • tls.key
  • additionalCAs folder
Note: In the z/OS environment:
  • When you create the certificate authority by issuing the command ./openssl x509 -req -in tls.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out tls.crt -days xxx, ensure that you set the appropriate number of days with the -days parameter. The default is 30.
  • The additionalCAs folder must contain the public key certificate or public certificate chain of the Z controller SSL keyring.
-sslpassword ssl_pwd
Required. The password to access the certificates.
-java_home java_home
Optional. The default value is the path to the .jre file provided with the product image.


To specify the installation and data directories and also define a value for the port to be used for SSL communication, for the folder where the certificates are stored, and the password to access them, run the following command:
./fileproxyinst -acceptlicense yes -inst_dir /opt/wa/fileproxy -data_dir /opt/wa/mydata -sslport 44445
-sslfolder /opt/wa/my_ssl_folder -sslpassword my_ssl_pwd
To specify only the required parameters for the command, defining the folder where the certificates are stored, and the password to access them, run the following command:
./fileproxyinst -acceptlicense yes -sslfolder /opt/wa/my_ssl_folder -sslpassword my_ssl_pwd