Example 2: Install and configure the new custom resource for an existing installation of HCL Workload Automation

About this task

Install and configure the new HCL Workload Automation custom resource for an existing installation of HCL Workload Automation.
Note: This example is applicable only if the HCL Workload Automation agent has already been installed for the same instance on all the nodes of the cluster and all the HCL Workload Automation services startup types are set to Manual.
twsClusterAdm.exe –new domain=MYDOM user=mytwsuser pwd=mytwspwd 
–res group=myresgroup ip=myip net=mynetname disk=mydisk opts=lwaOn –dll 
The command:
  • Installs the new HCL Workload Automation Cluster resource type (named ITWSWorkstation) on all the nodes of the cluster.
  • Copies the ITWSResources.dll file to the \%systemRoot%\cluster folder.
  • Creates an instance of the HCL Workload Automation Cluster resource type within the specified cluster group.
  • Adds a dependency from myip, mynetname, and mydisk to the resource.
  • Enable monitoring of dynamic agents (lwaOn).