Dynamic Workload Console - Increasing application server heap size

Follow this procedure to increase the Java heap size:
  1. Log on to the computer where Dynamic Workload Console is installed as the following user:
    Windows operating systems:
    Any user in the Administrators group.
    UNIX operating systems:
  2. Stop the WebSphere Application Server Liberty by running:
    Windows operating systems:
    UNIX operating systems:
  3. Open the following file:
    Windows operating systems:
    UNIX operating systems:
  4. Here is an example:
    #nursery mem size
    Note: In case of high workload (more than 50 concurrent users) use 6144 as heap size and 1536 as nursery mem size. The above suggested settings must be applied when the RAM configuration value twice the value of the heap size.
  5. Save the file jvm.option
  6. Start the WebSphere Application Server Liberty, by running
    Windows operating systems:
    UNIX operating systems: