Reason Codes for EQQXnnn, EQQAnnn, EQQGnnn, EQQKnnn and EQQMnnn

The following table lists the reason codes that can appear in some of the message with the EQQXnnn, EQQAnnn, EQQGnnn, EQQKnnn and EQQMnnn. For more information about a reason code, refer to the related message.

Reason code Meaning (reason for failure) Related message
000 The record size exceeds the maximum record size for the application description data base. EQQX300
002 The record version is not valid. EQQX301
003 The application ID is not valid. EQQX302
004 The application status is not valid. Valid application statuses are: A for active, P for pending, or blank for both active and pending. EQQX303
005 The valid-to date is not valid. EQQX304
006 The valid-to time is not valid. EQQX328
007 The record identifier is not valid. EQQX321
010 The run cycle pointer is not valid. EQQX305
011 The record size does not include the run cycle. EQQX306
012 The offset to the next run cycle in the record is not valid. It must be 0 if it is last. EQQX307
013 The JCL variable table name is not valid. EQQX417
014 The rule name is not valid. EQQA521
020 The operation pointer is not valid. EQQX308
021 The record size does not include operation data. EQQX309
022 The offset to the next operation in the record is not valid. It must be 0 if it is last. EQQX310
023 The record size does not include dependencies and special resources. EQQX311
100 The valid-from date is either not valid or missing. EQQX312
101 The valid-from date is later than the valid-to date; it must be earlier. EQQX313
102 The authorization group is not valid. EQQX314
103 The owner ID is missing. EQQX315
104 The date for the last update is either not valid or missing. EQQX316
105 The time for the last update is either not valid or missing. EQQX317
106 The priority is either not valid or missing. A valid priority is a number from 1 through 9. EQQX318
107 The value specified in the number of operations field is not valid. A valid value is a number from 1–99. EQQX319
108 The number of run cycles is not valid. It does not match the actual number of run cycles in the record. EQQX320
109 The offset to the first run cycle is incompatible with the number of run cycles. EQQX322
110 The offset to the first operation is not valid. EQQX323
111 The characters in the common part of the application description record are not valid. EQQX324
112 The calendar description identifier in the application description record is not valid . EQQX325
113 The calendar description identifier referred to by the application description record does not exist in the database. EQQX326
114 The owner ID contains lower case characters. EQQX397
115 An application or job description which specifies a group definition cannot contain a run cycle. EQQA516
116 Priority cannot be specified for a group definition. EQQA510
117 Group definitions cannot contain operations. EQQA500
118 Calendar cannot be specified for an application in a group. EQQA511
119 Group definition cannot belong to another group. EQQA503
120 The valid-from time is not valid. EQQX327
122 Validity periods of temporary OI's must not overlap. EQQK002
200 The run cycle period cannot be found. EQQX329
201 The positive run day offset is not blank or numeric. It must be blank or 1 to 999. EQQX330
202 The negative run day offset is not blank or numeric. It must be blank or 1 to 999. EQQX376
203 The free day rule specification is not valid. A valid specification is E for free days excluded; 1 for run on the closest work day before the free day; 2 for run on the closest work day after the free day; 3 for run on the free day; or 4 for do not run at all. EQQX331
204 The run cycle valid-from date is either not valid or missing. EQQX381
205 The run cycle valid-to date is either not valid or missing. EQQX375
206 The negative run cycle indicator is not blank or N. It must be either blank or N. EQQX332
207 The input arrival time is not valid. EQQX333
208 The relative deadline day is not numeric. It must be a number from 0 through 99. EQQX334
209 The deadline time is not valid. EQQX335
210 The run cycle section contains not valid characters. EQQX336
211 Duplicate positive run day offsets found in a run cycle. EQQX398
212 The variable table is not defined in the database. EQQX418
213 No offsets have been defined for a run cycle. EQQX436
214 Negative runday fields contain embedded blanks. EQQX437
215 The rule name has already been specified as a run cycle for the AD. EQQA522
216 The specified rule name is not defined. EQQA520
223 The step level dependency check type is not valid. It must be RC. EQQM174E
224 The procedure step name is missing in a step level dependency definition. EQQM175E
225 Incorrect procedure step name in a step level dependency definition. The first character must be alphabetic. EQQM176E
226 Incorrect step name in a step level dependency definition. The first character must be alphabetic. EQQM177E
227 The step name, in a step level dependency definition, contains an incorrect character. EQQM178E
228 The procedure step name, in a step level dependency definition, contains an incorrect character. EQQM179E
301 The workstation description does not exist in the workstation description database. EQQX337
302 The operation number is incorrect. It must be a number from 1–255. EQQX338
303 The duration time of the operation is not valid. It must be from 00.00 to 99.59. EQQX339
304 The smoothing factor is not valid. It must be a number from 0 through 999. EQQX340
305 The feedback limit is not valid. A valid feedback limit is a number from 100 through 9 99. EQQX341
306 The automatic error completion code is not valid. EQQX342
307 The job name is not valid. EQQX343
308 The operation input arrival relative day is not valid. EQQX344
309 The operation input arrival time is not valid. EQQX345
310 The operation deadline relative day is not valid. EQQX346
311 The operation deadline time is not valid. EQQX347
312 The workstation resource 1 usage is not valid. EQQX348
313 The workstation resource 2 usage is not valid. EQQX348
314 The parallel processing count is not valid. EQQX349
315 The number of internal predecessors is not valid; it is not compatible with the actual number of predecessors in the record. EQQX350
316 The number of external predecessors is not valid; it is not compatible with the actual number of predecessors in the record. EQQX351
317 The number of special resources is not valid; it is not compatible with the actual number of special resources in the record. EQQX352
318 The operation part of the application description record contains not valid characters . EQQX353
319 Cancel if late specified for the non time-dependent job. EQQX412
320 Relative start day missing for the time-dependent job. EQQX413
321 Start time missing for the time-dependent job. EQQX414
322 Job name is missing for the computer, printer, or job setup operation. EQQX415
323 Number of parallel servers must be 1 for an operation on a computer workstation. EQQX419
350 Incorrect number of conditions. EQQX074
351 Incorrect number of condition dependencies. EQQX075
352 Duplicate condition. EQQX076
353 Condition contains incorrect characters. EQQX077
354 Condition number incorrect. It must be in the range 1-999. EQQX078
355 Number of condition dependencies incorrect. You must specify at least one condition dependency. EQQX079
357 Incorrect condition counter. EQQX081
358 Duplicate condition dependency. EQQX082
359 The condition dependency ID is not valid. EQQX083
360 The condition dependency specifies an incorrect predecessor type. It must be I or E. EQQX084
361 The application ID for the conditional internal predecessor is not valid. EQQX085
362 The application ID for the conditional external predecessor is not valid. EQQX086
363 The workstation name for the conditional predecessor is not valid. EQQX087
364 The operation number for the conditional predecessor is not valid. EQQX088
365 The condition dependency type is not valid. It must be RC or ST. EQQX089
366 The condition dependency operator is not valid. Valid values are GE, GT, LE, LT, EQ, NE, and RG. EQQX090
367 The condition dependency contains an incorrect RC value. EQQX091
368 The condition dependency contains an incorrect ST value. EQQX092
369 The condition dependency contains invalid characters. EQQX093
370 The internal predecessor specified in the condition dependency does not exist. EQQX094
371 You cannot define a conditional dependency for a not centralized operation. EQQX095
372 You cannot define a job as both conditional and normal predecessor. EQQX096
373 Inconsistent number of condition dependencies. EQQX097
378 The step level dependency check type is not valid. It must be RC. EQQX105
379 The procedure step name is missing in a step level dependency definition. EQQX106
380 The step name, in a step level dependency definition, contains an incorrect character. EQQA336
381 Incorrect step name in a step level dependency definition. The first character must be alphabetic. EQQA337
382 The procedure step name, in a step level dependency definition, contains an incorrect character. EQQA338
383 Incorrect procedure step name in a step level dependency definition. The first character must be alphabetic. EQQA339
400 The workstation name for the internal predecessor is not valid. EQQX354
401 The operation number for the internal predecessor is not valid. EQQX355
402 The transport time for the internal predecessor is not valid. EQQX356
403 The internal predecessor block contains invalid characters. EQQX357
404 All internal processors in an operation must be unique. EQQX395
450 The required application description does not exist. EQQX377
455 The required application description does not contain an operator with the specified operation number and workstation name. EQQX378
456 The required application does not contain an operation with the specified operation number. EQQX379
457 The required application does not contain an operation on the specified workstation. EQQX380
500 The application ID for the external predecessor is not valid. EQQX358
501 The workstation name for the external predecessor is not valid. EQQX359
502 The operation number for the external predecessor is not valid. EQQX360
503 The transport time for the external predecessor is not valid. EQQX356
504 The long-term plan print option for the external predecessor is not valid. Valid print options are A for always, and C for conditionally. EQQX361
505 The external predecessor block contains invalid characters. EQQX357
506 All external processors in an operation must be unique. EQQX396
507 More than 100 external predecessors were specified. EQQX433
508 criteria field for the external predecessor is not valid. EQQX701
509 Ismandatory field for the external predecessor is not valid. EQQX700
510 Application id for the external predecessor interval is not valid. EQQX702
511 Operation number for the external predecessor interval is not valid. EQQX703
512 Resolution criteria type for the external predecessor interval is not valid. EQQX704
513 From fields for external predecessor interval are not valid. EQQX705
514 To fields for external predecessor interval are not valid. EQQX706
515 Application id for the conditional external predecessor interval is not valid. EQQX707
516 Operation number for the conditional external predecessor interval is not valid. EQQX708
517 Number of External Predecessor IVL must be 0 or positive. EQQX709
518 Number of Condition IVL must be 0 or positive. EQQX710
519 Resolution criteria type for the conditional predecessor interval is not valid. EQQX711
520 From fields for conditional predecessor interval are not valid. EQQX712
521 To fields for conditional predecessor interval are not valid. EQQX713
522 Condition id for the conditional external predecessor interval is not valid. EQQX714
523 External predecessor interval must refer to an existing external predecessor. EQQX715
524 Conditional predecessor interval must refer to an existing external conditional predecessor. EQQX716
526 From fields for the cross dependency predecessor are not valid. EQQX719
527 To fields for the cross dependency predecessor are not valid. EQQX720
528 External or Conditional Predecessor interval type is not coherent with resolution criteria value. EQQX717
530 Criteria field for the conditional predecessor is not valid. EQQX722
531 External predecessor interval must have the start time before the end time. EQQX723
532 Conditional predecessor interval must have the start time before the end time. EQQX724
600 The special resource name is blank. EQQX362
601 The special resource held option type is not valid. Valid special resource held options are S for shared, and X for exclusive. EQQX363
602 The special resource block contains invalid characters. EQQX364
603 Duplicate special resources exist in the operation. EQQX394
604 Resource quantity is not in the range 1-999999. EQQX438
605 The on-error value is not valid. EQQX429
632 When trying to add or modify an AD record, duplicate external predecessors or redundant dependencies were found. EQQX603
700 Duplicate operations exist in the application description record. EQQX365
701 A predecessor does not exist. EQQX366
702 There is a loop in the application network. EQQX367
703 All operations in the application do not belong to the same network. EQQX368
704 A job setup, processor, or print operation lacks a job name. EQQX369
705 A job setup operation has no processor operation as successor. EQQX370
706 A print operation has no predecessors. EQQX371
707 A print operation has more than one predecessor. EQQX372
708 A print operation does not have a processor operation as predecessor. EQQX373
709 A print operation has a predecessor with a different job name. EQQX374
710 A job setup operation has no processor successor with the same job name. EQQX416
800 The calendar record exceeds the maximum record size for the calendar description record, or has a shorter than minimum size. EQQX400
801 The calendar description record identifier was not valid. EQQX321
802 The calendar description record version was not valid. EQQX301
803 The calendar description ID is not valid. EQQX401
804 The date for the last update is either not valid or missing in the calendar description record. EQQX316
805 The time for the last update is either not valid or missing in the calendar description record. EQQX317
806 The time for Work Day End Time is either not valid or missing in the calendar description record. EQQX402
807 The number of weekday/date days has an invalid value in calendar description record. EQQX403
808 The common section of the calendar description record contains invalid characters. EQQX404
809 The size of the calendar description is too short to hold the number of weekday/date days indicated in the common section of the record. EQQX405
810 The weekday in the calendar description record is not valid. EQQX406
811 The weekday days are not in ascending order in the calendar description record. EQQX407
812 The status of the weekday/date field is not Work or Free. EQQX408
813 The date in the calendar description record is not valid. EQQX409
814 The date days are not in ascending order in the calendar description record. EQQX410
815 The variable section of the calendar description record contains not valid characters. EQQX411
835 The date and time specified in a request to modify an interval of a current plan workstation is not the start of an interval. EQQX144
836 An invalid value was specified for the parallel server capacity. Valid values are 0 through 99. EQQX144
837 An invalid value was specified for the capacity of a workstation resource. Valid values are 0 through 99. EQQX144
850 The application ID was not specified. EQQX390
851 The application ID is not bracketed by shift-in or shift-out character s. EQQX382
852 The DBCS part of the field application ID is blank. EQQX384
853 Check if the routine has encountered a superfluous shift-out or shift- in character within the DBCS part of the field application ID. EQQX385
854 The Field application ID contains either invalid DBCS characters, that is, out of the range X'41'- X'FE', or an odd number of blanks (X'40'), in the trailing part of the DBCS part of the field. EQQX387
855 The DBCS-field application ID contains an odd number of bytes. EQQX392
860 Group definition ID is not valid. EQQX500
861 Group definition ID not in bracketed DBCS format. EQQX501
862 No ID specified for DBCS group definition. EQQX505
863 Unpaired shift-out or shift-in characters in group definition. EQQX502
864 Invalid DBCS characters in group definition. EQQX503
865 Odd number of bytes in group definition. EQQX504
870 The field owner ID was not specified. EQQX391
871 The field owner ID is not bracketed by shift-in or shift-out character s. EQQX383
872 The DBCS part of field owner ID is blank. EQQX389
873 The check routine has encountered a superfluous shift-out or shift-in character in the DBCS part of the field owner ID. EQQX386
874 The Field owner ID contains either invalid DBCS characters, that is, out of the rang e X'41'- X'FE', or an odd number of blanks (X'40'), in the trailing part of the DBCS part of the field. EQQX388
875 The DBCS-field owner ID contains an odd number of bytes. EQQX393
1001 The control block is not valid. EQQX321
1002 The block version is not valid. EQQX301
1003 The request type is not valid. EQQX420
1004 The length is not valid. EQQX421
1011 The input arrival date is missing. EQQX422
1012 The input arrival date is not valid. EQQX423
1013 The input arrival time is missing. EQQX424
1014 The input arrival time is not valid. EQQX333
1015 The application IDs are different. EQQX425
1016 The application ID is missing. EQQX390
1017 The DBCS application ID is not valid. EQQX387
1018 The application ID is not valid. EQQX302
1021 The deadline date or time is given (but not both). EQQX426
1022 The deadline date is not valid. EQQX427
1023 The deadline time is not valid. EQQX335
1024 The priority is not valid. EQQX318
1031 The predecessor input arrival date is missing. EQQX428
1032 The predecessor input arrival date is not valid. EQQX423
1033 The predecessor input arrival time is missing. EQQX429
1034 The predecessor input arrival time is not valid. EQQX333
1035 The predecessor application ID is missing. EQQX430
1036 The DBCS predecessor application ID is not valid. EQQX382
1037 The predecessor application ID is not valid. EQQX302
1038 An occurrence is dependent on itself. EQQX434
1039 The input arrival date is later than the deadline. EQQL510
1040 The input arrival time is later than the deadline. EQQL510
1113 The variable duration or deadline was not specified. EQQX550
1114 The variable duration is not valid. EQQX551
1115 The variable deadline is not valid, must be a numeric value from 0 to 99. EQQX552
1116 The variable deadline time is not valid. EQQX553
1117 With the variable duration or deadline you must associate a run cycle group or rule. EQQX554
1118 The value set for the variable duration or deadline is not a run cycle group nor an application rule. EQQX555
1119 The value set for the variable duration or deadline is not unique. EQQX556
2001 The status code is not valid. EQQX431
2002 The function code is not valid. EQQX432
3033 The repeat every value is incorrect for the run cycle specified. EQQX458
3034 The repeat end time repet is incorrect for run cycle runc. EQQX459
3036 A deadline time dltime before input arrival time iat was specified. EQQX452