Analyzing KPIs data

See how to analyze and compare KPIs trend over time.

About this task

From AIDA left-hand sidebar, select KPIs to open the KPIs page. Select one or more KPIs and then select the Open action to open the KPIs Data Analysis page.

From this page you can:

  • Obtain an interval estimation of the KPIs trend.
  • Analyze the KPIs trend over time.
  • Identify and analyze anomalies in the KPIs trend.

You can deepen your analysis by comparing the KPIs trend over different time intervals or adding correlated KPIs to your investigation.

In each KPI graph, data is displayed in time buckets. The KPI data frequency and the reference time interval are indicated in the graph header. To view all data points, click on the Edit or add link and reduce the time interval. A light-blue area represents the expected range of values for the KPI in the reference time interval, statistically defined by AIDA based on historical data. The blue line represents the observed data that falls within the expected range of values. The orange line represents data that falls outside the expected range of values. You can zoom in or zoom out on the graph. On hovering over the KPI trend, data points appear. For each data point, a popover window displays the following information:
  • Date and time of the observation.
  • Current value: the KPI observed value.
  • Estimated: the KPI interval estimation.
The anomalies in the KPI trend are represented by red circles. Among these, the anomalies that contribute to generating an alert are represented by red dots. On hovering over an anomaly, the following information is displayed:
  • Date and time of the observation.
  • Current value: the KPI observed value.
  • Estimated: the KPI interval estimation.
  • Deviation: the minimum distance (with - or + sign) of the KPI observed value from its interval estimation.
In each KPI graph, you can run a number of actions:
  • Click on Edit or add to edit the graph time interval, or add time intervals to the graph for comparison purposes. For details, see the task Setting time intervals with the Datepicker below.
  • The menu icon in the upper right corner of the graph contains the following additional actions:
    • Compare graph, to create a comparison graph with single or multiple time intervals for comparison purposes.
    • Tuning, to configure the KPI prediction parameters in the Tuning side panel. For example, you might run this action to increase or decrease the tolerance interval for anomaly detection. After tuning, a retrain is needed to immediately apply your changes. Refresh the graph to see the tuning result on the KPI prediction. Tuning is available to AIDA administrators only. For details, see Configuring AIDA for prediction.
    • Refresh, to refresh the graph after you run some tuning adjustments.
    • Delete, to delete the graph.
  • For KPIs belonging to the Jobs category, an action icon is also present to open the workstation or job properties panel directly in HCL Workload Automation.
To deepen your KPIs data analysis, you can add additional graphs to this page:
  • Comparison graphs with KPIs trend over different time intervals
  • Graphs for additional KPIs.

Adding comparison graphs

About this task

You can edit the time interval, or add multiple time intervals to any KPI graph for comparison:
  • In the graph, click Edit or add to open the Datepicker panel that allows you to:
    • edit the time interval
    • add multiple time intervals for comparison

To enhance the analysis, you can generate an additional graph.

  • From the menu icon in the upper right corner of the graph, select Compare graph. The Datepicker panel opens where you can create a comparison graph with single or multiple time intervals.

For details about how to use the Datepicker widget, see Setting time intervals with the Datepicker.

Note: In the graphs showing KPI trends in multiple time intervals, the gray area representing the expected KPI values in each time interval is not displayed.

Adding correlated KPIs

About this task

You can add one or more KPIs to your data analysis by clicking the Add KPI button in the upper right corner of the KPIs Data Analysis page.

On the left-hand side of the Add KPI panel, select a KPIs category.

For each KPI of the selected category, the following information is displayed:
KPI Name
Name of the KPI
Object Name
The name of the object measured by the KPI.
A search tag for the KPI. Usually, the tag is used to identify the engine to which the KPI refers.
Anomaly %
The percentage of observed KPI data points that fall outside the expected range of values in the reference time interval:
  • < 6 : Low
  • 6-10: Medium
  • >10: High

To select additional KPIs, run the following steps:


  1. Use the search bar to refine your search.
  2. Select one or more KPIs.
  3. Click the Add KPI button.


A new graph for each selected KPI is added to the KPI Data Analysis page, representing the KPI trend in the reference time interval.

Setting time intervals with the Datepicker

Before you begin

Use the Datepicker to set single or multiple time intervals in a KPI graph.

In the Datepicker panel, select the type of interval:

Single Interval
  • To edit a time interval in a KPI graph
  • To add a KPI comparison graph with a single time interval
Multiple Intervals
  • To edit multiple time intervals in a KPI graph
  • To add a KPI comparison graph with multiple time intervals

Setting a single time interval

About this task

The Single interval section contains the following fields:
  • Start Date
  • Start Time
  • End Date
  • End Time
When you first open the Datepicker panel, these fields are set to the current time interval values in the KPI graph.

Two calendar widgets are provided to assist you in setting a new interval: the left calendar assists you in setting the start date, while the right calendar assists you in setting the end date.

To further assist you in setting a new interval, both calendars highlight:

Anomaly %
The percentage of observed KPI data points that fall outside the expected range of values in the reference time interval:
  • < 6 : Low
  • 6-10: Medium
  • >10: High
Special days
Days on which a KPI trend is affected by seasonality factors such as holidays, vacation, business cycles, recurring events.

To set a time interval, run the following steps:


  1. Modify the Start Date and End Date current values, or select the new start date and end date directly on the calendars. To set an interval within a single day, select the same day on both calendars.
  2. Modify the Start Time and End Time current values.
  3. Click Apply.


A graph with the KPI trend in the new time interval is displayed.

Setting multiple time intervals

About this task

The Multiple interval section contains the following fields:
  • Start Time
  • Interval duration (days + hours)
  • End Time
When you first open the Datepicker panel, these fields are set to the current time interval values in the KPI graph.

You can customize up to five intervals for comparison.

A calendar widget is provided to assist you in setting intervals. The calendar highlights:
Anomaly %
The percentage of observed KPI data points that fall outside the expected range of values in the reference time interval:
  • < 6 : Low
  • 6-10: Medium
  • >10: High
Special days
Days on which a KPI trend is affected by seasonality factors such as holidays, vacation, business cycles, recurring events.

To set multiple time intervals (up to five), run the following steps:


  1. Modify the Start Time and Interval duration values. The End Time value updates automatically.
  2. For each time interval that you want to set, fill in the Starting Date field or use the calendar to set it.
  3. Click Add new interval to set a new time interval.
  4. When you have set all the desired time intervals, click Apply.
  5. Select Reset to default to return to the original time interval, or Close to close the Datepicker panel.


A graph with the KPI trend in the multiple time intervals is displayed.
Note: In the graphs showing KPI trends in multiple time intervals, the gray area representing the expected KPI values in each time interval is not displayed. On hovering over the KPI trends, a popover window displays the following information:
  • Observation time
  • KPI observed value for each time interval