Job interception example

The following example demonstrates how different template files can be used to determine when an intercepted SAP job is restarted. The interception criteria table contains the following entries:
Figure 1. The Table Criteria panel

Table Criteria panel
The table criteria specified, implies the following:
Client 000
All jobs started in client 000 by SAP users whose user name begins with sm, will be intercepted. The interception collector restarts the jobs using the instructions from the default template file default.jdf. If the default template file does not exist, then the SAP jobs are restarted immediately as specified in the default instruction set:
Client 001
The job named, JOBXFF, started in client 001 by SAP user named, MJONES, will be intercepted. The interception collector restarts the jobs using the instructions from the template file at1700.jdf. The SAP jobs are restarted at 17:00 with a random name, because of the alias command. The template file at1700.jdf contains the following entry: