Creating stacks on AWS CloudFormation

In this topic you can find the prerequisites and the steps to create stacks on AWS CloudFormation.

Before you begin

After having subscribed to HCL Workload Automation on AWS Marketplace, you can start the stack creation process on AWS CloudFormation.

To deploy HCL Workload Automation, your environment needs to meet the following prerequisites:
  • An IAM identity, whether role or user, with admin permission on your AWS account.
  • Helm 3.0
  • kubectl command-line tool to control Kubernetes clusters.
  • AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) tool.
Note: If you have an existing cluster, make sure that you have AWS admin roles to deploy Kubernetes resources and HCL Workload Automation Helm Chart resources.
Resources required

The following resources correspond to the default values required to manage a production environment. These numbers might vary depending on the environment.

Component Container resource limit Container memory request
Server CPU: 4, Memory: 16Gi CPU: 1, Memory: 6Gi, Storage: 10Gi
Console CPU: 4, Memory: 16Gi CPU: 1, Memory: 4Gi, Storage: 5Gi
Dynamic Agent CPU: 1, Memory: 2Gi CPU: 200m, Memory: 200Mi, Storage size: 2Gi
File Proxy CPU: 100m, Memory: 128Mi CPU: 100m, Memory: 128Mi

About this task

You can create stacks on AWS CloudFormation using two templates. The first template deploys the EKS cluster, while the second template deploys the product prerequisites, the resources and the HCL Workload Automation Helm Chart.

Follow the procedure for each template.
Note: If you already have an existing cluster that meets the prerequisites, you can follow the procedure for the second template only.


  1. Go to Amazon Web Services and log in.
    Note: By default, the time zone on the AWS CloudFormation home page is set on N. Virginia. You can edit the time zone by selecting the time zone that you want from the menu on the right side of the home page.
  2. Select the template corresponding to the stack you want to create.

  3. Click Next.
  4. In the Specify stack details page, type a stack name and complete all the fields with the required information.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Configure stack options page, in the Permissions sections type the IAM role or IAM user name.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Review page, review the details of the stack.
  9. Click Submit.


AWS CloudFormation constructs and configures the stack resources specified in the templates.

What to do next

Next, you have to access the environment and get the user credentials.