Specifying runtime options for the event writer

This section describes the EWTROPTS initialization statement.

Use the EWTROPTS initialization statement to specify runtime options for the event writer task.




Defines how the event writer creates a return code for the job-end (A3J) event record. If you specify HIGHEST, the event writer creates an event record with the highest return code of all the performed steps. If you specify LAST, the event writer creates an event record with the return code of the last performed step.

The default is LAST.

Important: On z/OS 1.13 and later, the JOBRC parameter can be added in the JCL JOB card statements. If JOBRC is specified in the JCL JOB card with the MAXRC or LASTRC values, the job completion code determined by RETCODE is overriden by the JOBRC value. If JOBRC is specified with the STEP value, it is ignored by the agent for z/OS, and the job completion code logged in the event record is the one determined by the RETCODE value.

The keyword values are valid until you specify a different value and restart the agent.