Displaying a view on a Windows workstation with a DB2® database

To display a view on a Windows workstation with a DB2® database installed, perform the following steps:
  1. Select StartProgramsIBM® DB2®Command Line ToolsCommand Editor. The Command Editor main window opens.
  2. In the Command page, enter the following command:
     connect to databasename_db user username
    where databasename_db is the name of the database you want to connect to. The default is tws.

    user name is the name of the user with which you installed the DB2® database. The default is db2admin.

  3. Click the green arrow in the upper-left corner of the Command Editor window. The Enter Credentials dialog displays.
  4. In the password field, type the user password and click OK. The Command Editor window shows the database connection information. The Query Results tab displays.
  5. From the Command Editor main window, enter the following command:
    select * from view_name
    where view_name is the name of the view from which you want to display the information.
    For example, to extract information from the MDL.JOB_HISTORY_V view, enter the following command:
    select * from MDL.JOB_HISTORY_V
  6. Click the green arrow in the upper-left corner of the Command Editor window. The Query Results dialog displays the results of the query.