Displaying a view on a UNIX workstation with an Oracle 11g schema

To display a view on a UNIX workstation with an Oracle 11g schema installed, perform the following steps:
  1. Switch to the Oracle user who owns the Oracle installation, by running the following command:
    su - oracle_user
    For example, if the oracle_user is oracle, enter the following command:
    su - oracle
  2. Verify that the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console is accessible from a client browser. This implies that the dbconsole process is running on the server. This process starts automatically after the installation. To verify that it is running, run the following command from the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory:
    ./emctl status dbconsole
    If the dbconsole process is stopped, start it by running the following command from the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory:
    ./emctl start dbconsole
  3. Connect to the following website:
    Specify the name of the host you are working with.
    Specify the port to use for communicating. The default port number is:
    For Oracle Standard Edition.
    For Oracle Enterprise Edition.
    To verify the port used for communicating, open the oracle_home/install/portlist.ini file and look for the port number specified in the Enterprise Manager Console HTTP port(instance_name)=port_number line.
  4. Launch the Oracle Enterprise Manager and proceed as described from Step 3 of the Displaying a view on a Windows workstation with an Oracle 11g schema.