Upgrading from previous versions of the product

You can upgrade cluster nodes to the latest version of the product.

You can upgrade from:
  • V9.1 or later
Perform the following actions:
  • Read the system requirements.
  • Read the chapter on upgrading in HCL Workload Automation: Planning and Installation.
  • If you are upgrading a master domain manager or a backup master domain manager, perform a backup of the database.
  • If you are upgrading a critical production node, perform a backup of the entire installation directory.
  • Ensure that all the product processes have been shut down.
  • Before upgrading an agent in a Windows cluster from Version 9.4, Fix Pack 4 to a later version, ensure that Microsoft Visual Studio C++ redist package is manually installed in the second node. For more information, see Workload Automation Installation /Upgrade and Runtime failure for missing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.
  • Consider the following information that applies to the master domain manager, backup master domain manager, the domain manager, the backup domain manager, the dynamic agents, and the fault-tolerant agents:
    Using new features:
    • The default authentication mechanism configured for the WebSphere Application Server included in the product is based on the Federated User Registry which supports the simultaneous use of more than one user registry. In earlier releases, the stand-alone user registry was used that can be local operating system, PAM, or LDAP. During a direct upgrade of a master domain manager or a backup master domain manager, the installation wizard attempts to reconfigure your authentication mechanism to use the Federated User Registry. If the reconfiguration fails, but all the other upgrade steps complete successfully, the upgraded master domain manager is configured to use a stand-alone user registry. This action is a temporary measure that allows you to access the master domain manager. Follow the instructions in the topic about configuring authentication in the HCL Workload Automation: Administration Guide to configure your authentication mechanism to use the Federated User Registry.
    • The dynamic agent, if installed and enabled, listen for incoming requests from the master domain manager on a TCP/IP port different form the one used by netman. Ensure that this port is accessible and reachable after you upgrade. .

      Note that, the dynamic agent runs jobs based on resource availability. In a cluster, for example, you can configure the workload to run on the node that is holding the resource at that time. In this case, to run the job where the service is located, you no longer need to configure the agent to fail over (to follow the service). You can design your workload according to a resource requirement, ensuring the logical resource that the jobs depend on is associated to the correct node every time the service fails over.

    Files and components installed on the local disk
    • The product binary files depend on some files that are installed on the local file system in the following directories:
      • /etc/TWS
      • /etc/TWA
      • /.swdis

        This directory is the default Software Distribution directory. The product changes the directory specified in the product_dir property in the /etc/Tivoli/swdis.ini file.

      • /usr/Tivoli/TWS

      These files must be replicated on the passive node. The product provides the twsClusterCollector.sh utility to create a tar file with all external dependencies. Create a tar file and extract it on the passive node by using the twsClusterCollector.sh utility.