Localopts summary

General attributes of the workstation:

thiscpu = workstation
merge stdlists = yes|no
stdlist width = columns
syslog local = facility
restricted stdlists = yes|no

The attributes of the workstation for the batchman process:

bm check file = seconds
bm check status = seconds
bm look = seconds
bm read = seconds
bm stats = on|off
bm verbose = on|off
bm check until = seconds
bm check deadline = seconds
bm late every = minutes

The attributes of the workstation for the jobman process:

jm interactive old = yes|no
jm job table size = entries
jm load user profile = on|off
jm look = seconds
jm nice = value
jm promoted nice = UNIX® and Linux® critical job priority
jm promoted priority = Windows® critical job priority
jm no root = yes|no
jm file no root = yes|no
jm read = seconds

The attributes of the workstation for the mailman process:

mm planoffset = HHMM
mm response = seconds
mm retrylink = seconds
mm sound off = yes|no
mm unlink = seconds
mm cache mailbox = yes|no
mm cache size = bytes
mm resolve master = yes|no
autostart monman = yes|no
mm read = minutes

The attributes of the workstation for the netman process:

nm mortal = yes|no
nm port = port number
nm read = seconds
nm retry = seconds

The attributes of the workstation for the writer process:

wr read = seconds
wr unlink = seconds
wr enable compression = yes|no

Optional attributes of the workstation for remote database files

mozart directory  = mozart_share
parameters directory = parms_share
unison network directory = unison_share

The attributes of the workstation for the custom formats

date format = integer
composer prompt = key
conman prompt = key
switch sym prompt = key

The attributes of the workstation for the customization of I/O on mailbox files

sync level = low|medium|high

The attributes of the workstation for networking

tcp timeout = seconds
tcp connect timeout = seconds

The attributes of the workstation for SSL - General

ssl auth mode = caonly|string|cpu
ssl auth string = string
ssl fips enabled = yes/no
nm ssl full port = value
nm ssl port = value

OpenSSL attributes of the workstation - only used if ssl fips enabled = "no"

ssl key = *.pem
ssl certificate = *.pem
ssl key pwd = *.sth
ssl ca certificate = *.crt
ssl random seed = *.rnd
ssl encryption cipher = cipher
cli ssl server auth = yes|no
cli ssl cipher = string
cli ssl server certificate = file_name
cli ssl trusted dir = directory_name
cli ssl tls10 cipher = HIGH|cipher
cli ssl tls11 cipher = HIGH|cipher
cli ssl tls12 cipher = HIGH|cipher
ssl tls10 cipher = HIGH|cipher
ssl tls11 cipher = HIGH|cipher
ssl tls12 cipher = HIGH|cipher

GSKit attributes of the workstation - only used if ssl fips enabled = "yes"

ssl keystore file = *.kdb
ssl certificate keystore label = name
ssl keystore pwd = *.sth
cli ssl keystore file = *.kdb
cli ssl certificate keystore label = name
cli ssl keystore pwd = *.sth
cli gsk tls10 cipher = DFLT|cipher
cli gsk tls11 cipher = DFLT|cipher
cli gsk tls12 cipher = DFLT|cipher
gsk tls10 cipher = DFLT|cipher
gsk tls11 cipher = DFLT|cipher
gsk tls12 cipher = DFLT|cipher

Encryption options

encrypt keystore file = "/opt/IBM/TWA/TWSDATA/ssl/aes/<key_file>"
encrypt keystore pwd = "/opt/IBM/TWA/TWSDATA/ssl/aes/<keystore_password>"
encrypt label = "default"
decrypt label list =

The attributes of the workstation for the WebSphere Application Server Liberty

local was = yes|no

Application server check attributes on the workstation

appserver check interval = minutes
appserver auto restart = on|off
appserver min restart time = minutes
appserver max restarts = number
appserver count reset interval = hours
appserver service name = name

The HCL Workload Automation instance is a command line client

is remote cli = yes|no

Attributes for CLI connections

host = host_name
protocol = protocol
port = port number
proxy = proxy server
proxy port = proxy server port number
time out = seconds
followlocation= true|false
defaultws = master_workstation
useropts = useropts_file

  1. The SSL attributes for the command line client connection will depend on which SSL method is in use. They are included in the relevant section and all commence with "cli".
  2. The command lines for the dynamic domain manager and backup dynamic domain manager will work only if you configure the host and port attributes.
Event Management parameters

can be event processor = yes|no

er load = yes|no
Centralized Agent Update parameters

DownloadDir = directory_name

Current Folder
current folder = /foldername>
Note: The localopts file syntax is not case-sensitive, and the spaces between words in the option names are ignored. For example, you can validly write is remote cli as:
  • is remote cli
  • Is Remote CLI
  • isremotecli
  • isRemoteCLI
  • ...