Enhanced AI Data Advisor

Introducing AI Data Advisor (AIDA) enhancements.

New Machine Learning engine
Neural Prophet has been adopted as AIDA Machine Learning engine. It enables:
  • More accurate predictions.
  • Multivariate analysis of data to highlight correlation among KPIs.
  • Improved time-to-value due to a faster training with less resource usage.
  • Easy of extention to other Machine Learning models.
Metrics aggregation
Dynamic data compression depending on data variance. It enables a huge improvement in storage usage.
Customizable alert detection
Alert detection can be customized to better suit customer needs.
  • In the common.env configuration file (or in the value.yaml file for Kubernetes deployments), you can use the PROPHET_ORCHESTRATOR alert-schedule parameter to set how often KPIs data must be checked against their prediction to detect anomalies.