Other known problems

Miscellaneous troubleshooting items lists miscellaneous troubleshooting problems.

Table 1. Miscellaneous troubleshooting itemsIn this table you find a miscellaneous of troubleshooting items
Area Item
r3batch and r3event: output contains unreadable characters Symptom: When you enter the r3batch and r3event commands interactively (for example, to export an SAP calendar) the output is returned in UTF-8 format.
Solution: To resolve this problem, you can either use a shell that supports the UTF-8 code page or redirect the output to a file and open it with a text editor that supports the UTF-8 format.
r3batch: SAP jobs contain quotation marks (") or reverse quotes (ˋ) Symptoms: SAP jobs whose names contain quotation marks or reverse quotes are not displayed in the pick list of the Dynamic Workload Console.


You have an HCL Workload Automation job that tries to submit an SAP job whose name contains quotation marks, but it abends with an error. The following message might be displayed:
EEWO0439E The required options are not specified either in the global 
or in the local options file.
Solution: In your SAP system, make a copy of the SAP job and assign it a name that does not contain quotation marks or reverse quotes.
r3batch: SAP job containing Arabic characters. Symptom: An SAP job abends when the job contains Arabic characters.
Solution: If you run an SAP job that contains Arabic characters, you must set the local codepage of the agent workstation hosting the r3batch access method to the Arabic codepage. Refer to the twsmeth_cp keyword in the common options file, Defining the common options.
r3batch: error messages submitting a job on dynamic agents. Symptom: When working with dynamic workstations and performing actions such as: displaying a process chain, restarting a process chain, or retrieving the spool list, the following messages might be displayed from the Dynamic Workload Console:
EEWO0439E The required options are not specified either in the global
 or in the local options file.
EEWO1065W The environment variable UNISON_JOB is not set. The process chain
 cannot be restarted.
Solution: These messages might indicate that the requested action is not supported on dynamic workstations. Refer to the HCL Workload Automation Release Notes® for more information about HCL Workload Automation features and minimum required versions for compatibility.
r3batch: r3batch hangs when performing actions from the Dynamic Workload Console. Symptoms: r3batch hangs when performing actions from the Dynamic Workload Console such selecting from a pick list, submitting a job, or similar actions that require connection to the SAP system. The HCL Workload Automation joblog might also contain multiple "Timer expired" messages.
Solution: This problem is caused by the HCL Workload Automation logging and tracing component. Modify the r3batch.properties files. Locate the r3batch.trace.handlers.traceFile.MPFileSemKeyproperties setting, and then either comment this property setting out or use a different value. Choose any numeric value and retry the operation.
r3batch: Submit same process chain in parallel fails. Symptom: The SAP system returns an error message RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE when starting an SAP process chain.
Solution: Verify if the corrections stated in SAP note 1723482 are applied to your SAP Business Warehouse system or avoid running the same process chain more than once simultaneously.
r3batch: When you restart the process of a subchain, the status of the original process chain is not changed to active Symptom: When you restart the process of a subchain, the status of the original process chain is not changed to active.
Solution: Refer to SAP Note 1075876.
r3batch: Refresh an SAP process chain after a kill action on a running job instance. Symptom: If you perform a kill action on an HCL Workload Automation job instance running on a dynamic workstation which monitors an SAP process chain, and then subsequently perform a Refresh operation on this job, the job fails.
Solution: You cannot perform a Refresh operation after having performed a kill action on an HCL Workload Automation job instance running on a dynamic workstation which monitors an SAP process chain. Verify the status of the SAP process chain on the SAP system, and then set the HCL Workload Automation job status accordingly.
r3batch: Wrong characters are displayed in the Criteria Manager profile description. Symptom: Special characters such as, < (less than), > (greater than), or the ' (apostrophe) specified in the Description field of the Create criteria profile dialog are displayed incorrectly.
Solution: Avoid using special characters in the Description field when creating a new criteria profile.
r3evmon: monitoring events is not started, stopped, or performed Symptom: You cannot start or stop event monitoring, or event monitoring is not performed.
Solution: Ensure that TWSuser is the owner of the following files, and that the user has read and write permissions:
  • /TWA_DATA_DIR/pids/XAname_r3evmon.pid
  • /TWA_DATA_DIR/EIF/XAname_r3evmoncache.dat
  • /TWA_DATA_DIR/EIF/XAname_r3evmoneif.conf
  • /TWA_DATA_DIR/methods/r3evmon_cfg/XAname_r3evmon.cfg
  • /TWA_DATA_DIR/methods/r3evmon_cfg/XAname_r3idocmon.cfg
  • /TWA_DATA_DIR/methods/r3evmon_cfg/XAname_r3xalmon.cfg
  • /TWA_DATA_DIR/methods/r3evmon_cfg/XAname_r3evmon.lck
On Windows workstations, these files are located in the TWA_home directory and not in the TWA_DATA_DIR directory.
r3batch: monitoring SAP events is not performed Symptom: The SAP event on which the event rule is based is neither monitored nor committed.
Solution: Ensure that the extended agent workstation you specified in the SAP event definition exists. When you define an SAP event within an event rule, no check on the extended agent workstation is made: if the workstation does not exist, the event rule is saved and activated but it will never be resolved.
r3batch: monitoring SAP events is not performed Symptom: With XBP 3.0, the SAP event is raised but HCL Workload Automation is not notified and therefore does not act as expected.
Solution: Ensure that the SAP event was not excluded from logging in the SAP event history table.
r3batch: monitoring SAP events is not performed Symptom: The SAP events on which the event rule is based are not monitored nor committed.
Solution: The SAP events being monitored are listed in the following file:
where XAname is the name of the SAP extended agent workstation.
Check that the file is updated and contains the current monitoring plan. The SAP events are indicated by the following keyword (one for each SAP event on the same extended agent):
!R3EVENT SAP_event_name_lengthSAP_event_name[SAP_event_parm_lengthSAP_event_parm]
The length of the SAP event name to monitor, in the format nnnn. For example, 0008, if the event name is SAP_TEST.
The name of the SAP event to monitor.
The length of the parameter associated with the SAP event to monitor, if any. The format is nnnn. For example, 0007, if the event name is SAP_PAR.
The parameter associated with the SAP event to monitor, if any. This value is optional, but omitting it identifies an SAP event with no parameter associated. For details about how the events are matched between r3evmon.cfg and the SAP system, see SAP events matching criteria.
For each configuration file, an r3evmon process is started to monitor the SAP events listed. To start an r3evmon monitoring process for a specific extended agent workstation, enter the following command.
  1. For UNIX® only, r3evmon must be entered by the owner of the HCL Workload Automation installation:
  2. If you run r3evmon from a Windows DOS shell, the command prompt is not returned until the process completes.
r3evmon -t SEM -c XA_Unique_ID -- "[-EIFSRV EIF_server -EIFPORT EIF_port]"
The unique identifier of the extended agent workstation. For information about retrieving the unique identifier for the extended agent workstation, see UNIQUE_ID.
The host name or IP address of the master domain manager.
The port that the master domain manager uses to receive the event notification.
r3batch:IDoc monitoring is not performed Symptom: The events on which the event rule is based are not monitored or no event is generated during IDoc monitoring.
Solution: The events being monitored are listed in the following file:
where XAname is the name of the SAP extended agent workstation. It is the same file that is used to monitor SAP events in general.
Check that the file is updated and contains the current monitoring plan. The events corresponding to the IDOCEventGenerated event type are indicated by the following keyword (one for each event on the same extended agent):
!IDOC nnnn<Client Number>nnnn<IDoc Status List>nnnn<Direction>nnnn<Receiver Port>
nnnn<Receiver Partner Type>nnnn<Partner Function of Receiver>
nnnn<Partner Number of Receiver>nnnn<Sender Port>nnnn<Sender Partner Type>
nnnn<Partner Function of Sender>nnnn<Partner Number of Sender>
nnnn<Message Type>nnnn<IDoc Type>nnnn<Logical Message Variant>
nnnn<Logical Message Function>nnnn<Test Flag>nnnn<Output Mode>
The length of the IDoc field. For example, 0005 indicates the value of an IDoc status list corresponding to 56,60.
< >
Contains the value of the field associated with the IDoc to be monitored. For a list of the supported IDoc fields, refer to HCL Workload Automation fields used to define event rules based on IDocs.

For each configuration file, an r3evmon process is started to monitor the events listed. Make sure that an r3evmon monitoring process is started for the involved extended agent workstation.

r3evmon: monitoring SAP and IDoc events increases memory consumption Symptom: Memory consumption increases continuously during monitoring of IDoc and standard SAP events.
Solution: Refer to SAP Notes® 1021071 and 1109413.
r3batch: Duplicated events generated during IDoc monitoring Symptom: The action defined in an event rule with IDOCEventGenerated event type is unexpectedly repeated.
Solution: Reset the start date and time for the next monitoring loop. These values are stored in the following file:
where XAname is the name of the SAP extended agent workstation. Therefore you can either:
  • Stop r3evmon, delete the XAname_r3idocmon.cfg file and then start r3evmon again.

    - OR -

  • Stop r3evmon, set the date and time in the XAname_r3idocmon.cfg file to the values you want, and startr3evmon again.

Use the following format for the start date and time:

For example:
Check the value of the idoc_no_history option:
  • If it is set to OFF and no XAname_r3idocmon.cfg file exists, then all matching IDocs are retrieved, not only the current ones.
  • If it is set to ON (default value), check the date and time in the XAname_r3idocmon.cfg file.
r3batch: No event is generated during IDoc monitoring Symptom: The expected event actions are not triggered.
Solution: Check the value of the idoc_no_history option; if it is set to ON (default value), check the date and time in the XAname_r3idocmon.cfg file.
Error defining an internetwork dependency based on SAP event Symptom: If you work with XBP 2.0, when you try to define an internetwork dependency based on an SAP event, the following error message is displayed:
*** ERROR 778 *** EEWO0778E An internal error has occurred. The program could not
modify the following job:
Job name:
Job ID: 
Solution: Perform the following steps:
  1. Check if the BCTEST report is defined in your SAP system by invoking either one of the following transactions:
    Enter BTC* and click the picklist button. In the panel that opens, click the picklist button and check if BTCTEST is shown in the list that is displayed.
    Enter BTC* and click the picklist button. Check if BTCTEST is shown in the list that is displayed.
  2. If report BTCTEST is not found in the list, you can either:
    • Choose another existing report, and, in the local options file, set the placeholder_abap_step option to the name you chose. Because the report assigned to the placeholder job is run when the corresponding event is raised, ensure that you choose a dummy report. For details about the placeholder_abap_step option, see r3batch common configuration options.

      - OR -

    • Set the placeholder_abap_step option to a custom developed ABAP code of your choice.
r3batch: error message when scheduling SAP jobs Symptom: When creating an SAP job, the following message is displayed while trying to view the details of an ABAP's variant:
Missing ABAP routine.
J_101_REPORT_ALL_SELECTIONS please install the latest ABAP routine for Maestro!!
Solution: This defect is caused by an error in an SAP function module. SAP describes this problem and possible solutions in the SAP Notes® 0351293 and 0116354.
r3batch: modify job step error You change print parameters with the BAPI_XBP_MODIFY_JOB_STEP function module, and subsequently, they are incorrect. As a consequence, r3batch gets error 221:
MSG_CANNOT_GET_PRIARC_PARAMS: "Retrieving new print and archive parameters failed"

The problem is solved by installing SAP Note 758829.

r3batch: modify job step error The BAPI_XBP_MODIFY_JOB_STEP function module always uses the name of the logged-on user as the name for the step user. In this case, when submitting a job with the -vX options, r3batch creates a job by copying all the data from the original template, except the variant name of the first step (which is provided as the option parameter). This procedure is usually referred to as the "old copy". However, when adding a step to a new job, the XBP 2.0 interface ignores the user parameter passed by r3batch.

The problem is solved by installing SAP note 758829.

r3batch: does not start after installation on Windows Symptom: After installing or upgrading the SAP R/3 access method to version 8.5 on a Windows operating system, you try to start r3batch but nothing happens. The following message is displayed:
The application failed to initialize properly.
Click on OK to terminate the application.
Solution: Ensure that you applied the SAP Note 684106 to install the required Microsoft DLLs.
r3batch: HCL Workload Automation environment variables are not resolved when specified in the task string for an R/3 batch job. Symptom: When HCL Workload Automation environment variables are used in the task string for an R/3 batch job and the job is launched, the environment variables are not resolved. The exact string used to specify the variable is used instead.
Solution: To leverage HCL Workload Automation environment variables, you must modify the access method as follows:
  1. In the TWA_DATA_DIR/methods directory, create a file named, r3batch.cmd (on Windows) or r3batch.sh (on UNIX®) as required, containing the following content:
    @echo off
    set METHODSPATH=%~dp0
    call "%METHODSPATH:"=%r3batch.exe" %*
  2. Modify the CPU XAGENT definition from r3batch to r3batch.cmd. An example follows:
      DESCRIPTION "r3batch"
      OS OTHER
      NODE none TCPADDR 31111
        TYPE X-AGENT
  3. To modify the CPU access method in the Symphony® file, run JnextPlan as follows:
    JnextPlan -for 0000
@longlink file present in installation directory Symptom: After installing HCL Workload Automation on a computer with an AIX® operating system where a master domain manager is already installed, a @longlink file containing the following is present in the installation directory:
Solution: The file can be ignored. It does not present any problems for the proper functioning of the product.
Job throttling does not start on HP-UX Symptom: You try to start the job throttler and the following error message is displayed:
Error occurred during initialization of VM
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.lang.Thread.start()V Abort
Cause and Solution: Java version 1.5 does not start because there are symbolic links of Java version 1.4 libraries used by third party products. For example, you might have /usr/lib/pa20_64/libjava.sl linked to /opt/java1.4/jre/lib/PA_RISC2.0W/libjava.sl
Before starting the job throttling again, change the PATH and SHLIB_PATH environment variables as follows:
export PATH
To apply this change definitively, edit the jobthrottling.sh file by adding the environment settings after the following line:
Job throttling does not start Symptom: When you start the job throttling feature, nothing happens and the following error message is displayed:
EEWOJTR0207E Error, another job throttler instance is already running
against the same SAP system. Foreign job throttler registration is:
Client ID="clientID", Name="TWS4APPS_JOBTHROTTLER",Host="hostname",
UID "UniqueID" 
Cause and Solution: Possible causes are:
  • You are running job interception collector jobs, but the job interception and job throttling features cannot run at the same time. Choose which feature to start. For detailed information, refer to Job interception and parent-child features and Job throttling feature.
  • Another job throttler instance is running against the same SAP system. You can start only one job throttler instance.
  • A previous job throttler instance created an exclusive lock object on the SAP system that could have become permanent. To verify it, use transaction sm12 and query for the lock object named TWS4APPS_JOBTHROTTLER. If the lock object exists, and you are not running any job throttler or job interception instance, remove the lock manually and restart the job throttler.
Job throttling does not start Symptom: When you start the job throttling feature, nothing happens and the following error message is displayed:
EEWOJT0209E Error, the password format is not valid.
Cause and Solution: Your password is encrypted in old format. To encrypt the password with the correct encryption version, use the enigma or pwdcrypt programs. For details about how to encrypt the password, see Encrypting SAP user passwords.
Job throttling does not stop Symptom: When you stop the job throttling feature, nothing happens.
Cause and Solution: You are connected as a TWSUser who does not have write permission on the XAname_jobthrottling_cmd.txt file. To solve this problem, delete the XAname_jobthrottling_cmd.txt file and enter the command again. For detailed information about stopping the job throttler, refer to Step 5. Starting and stopping the job throttling feature.
Job throttling: alerts for MTEs are not generated according to the threshold values set Symptom: Alerts for the MTEs created by the job throttler are generated without respecting the threshold values that are set.
Cause and Solution: You started a new job throttler instance, which, being enabled to send data to CCMS, created the related MTEs. When you include the MTEs in your monitoring set, the threshold values are automatically set according to the existing MTE class. Nevertheless, alerts are generated without respecting these values.

To solve this problem, edit the MTE properties and save them again, even if you do not change anything.

Job throttling: saving MTE properties generates an informational message Symptom: When you edit and save the properties of MTEs generated by the job throttler, the following informational message is displayed:
Message does not exist.
Cause and Solution: In the pop-up window that displays the message, click Continue and close the Properties window. Your settings are saved.
Job throttling: error message displayed when creating trace file on HP operating systems Symptom: While the job throttler is stopping, there are intercepted jobs to release on exit. The following error message is displayed:
CJL0006E Handler jobthrottling.trace.handlers.file 
is unable to write a log event.
Cause and Solution: The message does not report any real error, and can be ignored.
The system cannot intercept jobs Symptom: Although the job interception feature is active on the SAP system, the intercepted jobs are kept in scheduled state.
Cause and Solution: The job throttler feature or the Java Virtual Machine used by the job throttler might still be active.
On each extended agent where the job throttler was started at least once, ensure that:
  1. You stopped the feature. For details, see Step 5. Starting and stopping the job throttling feature.
  2. The Java Virtual Machine used by the job throttler was stopped by the process. To search for Java processes, use:
    On Windows
    The Process Explorer
    On UNIX®
    The command ps -ef | grep throttling

    If a Java Virtual Machine instance related to the job throttler is found, kill it.

access method executables: r3batch, r3event, psagent: permission denied messages in the job log. Symptom: The job log reports multiple "Permission denied" messages.
Cause and Solution: The root cause might be that the access method executable, for example, r3batch, is submitted by the root user and not the twsuser. This creates directories and files with the wrong ownership and file permissions. Verify the ownership of the following directories and files if you are running the product on UNIX® platforms. Ensure that the twsuser is the owner of the files and that the user has both read and write permissions on the files, and execute permission on the directories.
psagent: misleading message displayed if the local options file has no right permissions Symptom: The job log shows the following message:
EEW00439E You did not specify the required options either in the global
or in the local options file.
but all the mandatory options were correctly set in the options file.
Solution: Check that the options file has read and write permissions available to the user who is trying to launch the job.
No messages written in the job log Symptom: HCL Workload Automation does not write any messages in the job log if the file system for tracing is full or the ljuser does not have the correct permission to write in the trace directory.
The submission of a PeopleSoft job fails Symptom: The submission of a PeopleSoft job fails and the HCL Workload Automation job log contains a Java exception similar to the following:
Exception in thread "3194" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
        at bea.jolt.JoltSessionAttributes.<clinit>(JoltSessionAttributes.java:183)
        at psft.pt8.net.JoltSessionPool.createConnection(JoltSessionPool.java:363)
        at psft.pt8.net.JoltSessionPool.getJoltSession(JoltSessionPool.java:220)
Cause and Solution: The psjoa.jar path contains special characters.

Define a path without special characters.

The submission of an Oracle job fails Symptom: The submission of an Oracle job fails and the HCL Workload Automation job log shows the following information:
EEWP0017 Child MCMLJ exited normally.
Exit code: 1.EEWP0027 Error - Launch job failed
Solution: Submitting an Oracle job might fail because there is a connection problem to the Oracle database. Verify that your Oracle naming methods are set correctly. For details about how to configure naming methods, refer to the Oracle Net Services Administrator's Guide.
mvsjes: RACF® authorization problem on z/OS® version 1.7 Symptom: An S047 abend is returned if the EEWSERVE started task does not have an associated RACF® owner ID.
Solution: In the RACF® database, associate an authorized RACF® ID with the EEWSERVE started task as specified in Setting RACF authorizations on z/OS.
To upgrade the SAP environment, perform the following steps:
  1. Delete the TWS ABAP module.
  2. Upgrade SAP.
  3. Install TWS ABAP module.