Using placeholders

In the template files you can use a number of placeholders that are replaced by the interception collector at run time. They are listed in Placeholders for job interception template files.
Table 1. Placeholders for job interception template files
Placeholder Description
$CPU Name of the extended agent workstation where the interception collector runs.
$CLIENT Client number of the intercepted SAP job.
$JOBNAME Name of the intercepted SAP job.
$JOBCOUNT Job ID of the intercepted SAP job.
$USER Name of the user who launched the SAP job.
$JOBNUM Job number of the interception collector.
$RUN Current run number of the interception collector.
$SCHED Schedule name of the interception collector.
$RAND Random number.
The template:
instructs the interception collector to restart the SAP job named DEMO_JOB with job ID 12345678 on client 100 at 10:00 as HCL Workload Automation job ICP_1432_DEMO_JOB_12345678_100.