Rules for customizing the CCLog properties file

Follow these rules when you customize any of the four keywords introduced above:
  • Field names are case sensitive.
  • Asterisks (*) can be used as wildcard characters to specify groups of messages. For example, EQQPT*I specifies all the EQQPT information messages. Alternatively, you can specify messages individually by writing their complete IDs (for example, EQQPT20I EQQPT21I AWSEDW075I).
    You can use the asterisk wildcard alone. For example, the statement:
    causes all the EQQPT and AWS messages to be sent to the syslog.
  • When selecting a subset of AWS messages based on severity, use the following formats:
    AWS information messages: specify AWS*I AWS*I*I
    AWS warning messages    : specify AWS*W AWS*W*W
    AWS error messages      : specify AWS*E AWS*E*E
  • With the IBM-037 codepage, you can insert the carriage return character, backslash (\), hexadecimal value x'E0', between message IDs to make long message lines more readable. Leave a blank between the last character in the string and the backslash. For example:
    console.msgIdFilter.msgIds= AWSEDW059E AWSEDW063E EQQPT20I \                            AWSEDW075I EQQPT21I EQQPT23I
  • Messages referenced in the text of other messages cannot be traced separately. These messages can be traced by filtering on the main message. For example, message AWSDCJ202W contained in the following message:
    AWSBCV001E Error Batchman abended, Status: AWSDCJ202W Terminated by SIGKIL
    can be traced only by filtering on message AWSBCV001E.