JSDL elements

The JSDL core element set contains the semantics for elements that are defined by JSDL.

The JSDL file consists of elements (either complex or simple) and types. Complex elements contain other elements while simple elements do not contain any other elements. A type specification performs a syntax check on the value specified for the element it refers to.

The following is a list of the elements contained in the JSDL syntax:

jobDefinition element

This element describes the job and its requirements. It is the root element of the JSDL document. This attribute is required.
The type of this element is jsdl:JobDefinitionType. It can contain the following elements:
  • annotation
  • category
  • variables
  • application
  • resources
  • relatedResources
  • optimization
  • scheduling
The name of the job specified by the user. The type of this attribute is xsd:NCName. The name must start with an alphabetical character, and can contain underscore symbols ( _ ), minus symbols (-), and periods (.). Spaces, special characters, accented characters, and numbers are not supported. This attribute is required. The name you define for this field uniquely identifies the job definition when it is saved in the Job Repository database. After saving the job definition in the database, you can submit the job definition using the Dynamic Workload Console or the command line.
A string specifying a short description of the job definition. The type of this attribute is xsd:string. This attribute is optional.
A URI specifying the target namespace of the job definition. The type of this attribute is xsd:anyURI. This attribute is required.
Pseudo Schema
	<annotation ... />?
	<variables ... />?
	<application ... />
	<resources ... />?
	<relatedResources .../>*
	<optimization ...>?
	<scheduling ...>?

annotation element

This element provides descriptive, human-readable information about the job definition. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is xsd:string.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

category element

This element describes job category that help you categorize the job. One job may have multiple categories, for example: Education_DB, Financial_Dept, Asset_Management. The value can be any string value. This element is optional and can be specified zero or more times.
The type of this element is xsd:string.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

variables element

This element describes the list of variables that are defined in the JSDL file. The following three variable types are supported:
  • String
  • Double
  • Integer
The variable value can be referred in other parts of the JSDL document specifying: ${variable name} A referred variable can be one defined in the JSDL file with the variable element or it can be defined while submitting the job. The substitution can be performed by the dynamic workload broker server in different phases of the job processing. In every phase, the dynamic workload broker server tries to match all the variable references still not substituted with defined variables. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:VariablesType. It can contain the following elements:
  • stringVariable
  • uintVariable
  • doubleVariable
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
	<stringVariable ...>*
	<uintVariable ...>*
	<doubleVariable ...>*

stringVariable element

This element describes a variable specifying the variable name and the assigned default string value. This element is optional and can be specified zero or more times.
The type of this element is jsdl:StringVariableType.
The following attributes are defined:
This attribute specifies the name of the variable. The type of this attribute is xsd:NCName. This attribute is required.
This attribute specifies the description of the variable. The type of this attribute is xsd:string. This attribute is optional.
Pseudo Schema

doubleVariable element

This element describes a variable specifying the variable name and the assigned default double value. This element is optional and can be specified zero or more times.
The type of this element is xsd:DoubleVariableType.
The following attributes are defined:
This attribute specifies the name of the variable. The type of this attribute is xsd:NCName. This attribute is required.
This attribute specifies the description of the variable. The type of this attribute is xsd:string. This attribute is optional.
Pseudo Schema

uintVariable element

This element describes a variable specifying the variable name and the assigned default unsigned integer value. This element is optional and can be specified zero or more times.
The type of this element is xsd:UnsignedIntVariableType.
The following attributes are defined:
This attribute specifies the name of the variable. The type of this attribute is xsd:NCName. This attribute is required.
This attribute specifies the name of the variable. The type of this attribute is xsd:string. This attribute is optional.
Pseudo Schema

application element

This element describes the application to be run the related parameters. This element is required and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:ApplicationType.
The following attributes are defined:
Specifies the type of the application. Supported values are as follows:
A file which is used to perform various functions or operations on a computer.
An application based on Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE).
This attribute is mandatory and can be specified once.
Specifies the name of the application. The type of this attribute is xsd:string. This attribute is optional.
Specifies the version of the application. The type of this attribute is xsd:string. This attribute is optional.
Pseudo Schema

resources element

This element contains the resource requirements of the job that must be matched on target computer system in order for a job to be assigned to that system. The contained resource requirement elements are combined in an AND relationship. This means that each requirement adds to the other ones to refine the matching resource requirement and all requirements must be met for the allocation to succeed. This element is optional and can be specified once. If this element is not present, the dynamic workload broker server can choose any set of resources to run the job.
The type of this element is jsdl:ResourceType. The supported types for this element are listed in Resource types and properties. It can contain the following elements:
  • candidateHosts
  • candidateCPUs
  • physicalMemory
  • virtualMemory
  • candidateOperatingSystems
  • fileSystem
  • logicalResource
  • group
  • properties
  • allocation
  • relationship
  • candidateResources
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
	<candidateHosts .../>?
	<candidateCPUs .../>?
	<physicalMemory .../>?
	<virtualMemory .../>?
	<candidateOperatingSystems .../>?
	<fileSystem .../>*
	<logicalResource ...>*
	<group ...>*
	<properties ...>
	<allocation ...>*
	<relationship ...>*
	<candidateResources ...>?

relatedResources element

This element is a unique identifier for the resource requirement that must be unique in the document. The requirements defined in this element apply to both logical resources and computer systems. It can be referred to by relationship elements. The contained resource requirement elements are combined in an AND relationship. This means that each requirement adds to the other ones to refine the matching resource requirement and all requirements must be met for the allocation to succeed. This element is optional and can be specified zero or more times.
The type of this element is jsdl:RelatedResourceType. It can contain the following elements:
  • logicalResource
  • group
  • properties
  • allocation
  • relationship
  • candidateResources
The following attributes are defined:
Specifies the internal ID of the resource you want to associate to the resources element. This ID is used only for internal reference within the JSDL file. The type for this attribute is xsd:ID. This attribute is required.
Specifies the type of the required resource. Supported types are ComputerSystem and Logical Resource. If this attribute is not present, the resource type ComputerSystem is assumed. A resource type is identified by a unique type name and describes the properties that each resource instance provides. For more information on the available resource properties, see Resource types and properties. The type of this attribute is xsd:NCName. This attribute is optional.
Pseudo Schema
	<logicalResource ...>*
	<group ...>*
	<properties ...>
	<allocation ...>*
	<relationship ...>*
	<candidateResources ...>?

candidateHosts element

This element specifies the set of named hosts which must be selected for running the job. dynamic workload broker assigns the job to one of the hosts in this list. The hosts specified are in OR, that is at least one of them must be matched by the Operating System resource contained in the target resource. If none of the hosts you specify is available when the job is submitted, the job waits for one of them to become available. If no host becomes available before the timeout expires, the job fails. This attribute is optional.
The type of this element is jsdl:CandidateHostsRequirementType. It can contain the following element:
  • hostName
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

orderedCandidatedWorkstations element

This element specifies the ordered list of workstations that are candidate for being selected based on the information specified in the requirements field of the dynamic pool definition. The first workstation that matches the requirements is selected for processing.
The type of this element is jsdl:OrderedCandidatedWorkstationsType. It can contain the following element:
  • workstation
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

hostName element

This element specifies a string variable expression containing the name of a single host which may be selected for running the job. If none of hosts you specify is available when the job is submitted, the job waits for one of them to become available. If no host becomes available before the timeout expires, the job fails. To specify the host name, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string. Wildcards are supported. This attribute is required and can be specified one or more times.
The type of this attribute is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema


candidateCPUs element

This element specifies the set of CPU characteristics that must be satisfied by hosts which may be selected for running the job. The characteristics combinations specified are in OR, that is at least one of them must be matched by the target resource. If none of the CPU characteristics you specify is available when the job is submitted, the job waits for one of them to become available. If no CPU becomes available before the timeout expires, the job fails. This element is optional and can be specified zero or more times.
The type of this element is jsdl:CandidateCPUsRequirementType. It can contain the following element:
  • cpu
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
	<cpu ...>*
</candidateCPUs >?

cpu element

This element specifies the CPU characteristics that must be satisfied by hosts which may be selected for running the job. The characteristics combinations specified are in OR, that is at least one of them must be matched by the target resource. At least one of the CPUs with the specified characteristics must be available for the job to run. If none of the CPUs you specify is available when the job is submitted, the job waits for one of them to become available. If no CPU becomes available before the timeout expires, the job fails. This element is required and can be specified one or more times.
The type of this element is CPURequirementType.
The following attributes are defined:
Specifies the CPU architecture required for running the job. This attribute is optional. Supported values are as follows:
  • parisc
  • powerpc
  • powerpc_64
  • s390
  • s390x
  • sparc
  • x86
  • x86_64
Specify the number of processors that must be available on the computer. Setting the Quantity to 0 indicates that the requirement is met by computers with any number of processors. The type of this attribute is xsd:unsignedInt. This attribute is optional.
Pseudo Schema

speed element

This element specifies the CPU speed range in MHz required for running the job The unit of measure is megahertz. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:NumericRangeType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

physicalMemory element

This element specifies a range or exact value indicating the amount of free physical memory required for the job. The amount is expressed in bytes. This attribute is optional.
The type of this element is jsdl:NumericRangeType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

virtualMemory element

This element specifies a range or exact value indicating the amount of free virtual memory required for the job. The amount is expressed in bytes. This attribute is optional.
The type of this element is jsdl:NumericRangeType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

candidateOperatingSystems element

This element specifies the set of operating system characteristics that must be satisfied by hosts which may be selected for running the job. The characteristics combinations are matched in OR, that is at least one of them must be matched by the Operating System resource contained in the target resource. At least one of the operating systems listed must be available for the job to run. If none of the operating systems you specify is available when the job is submitted, the job waits for one of them to become available. If no operating system becomes available before the timeout expires, the job fails. This attribute is optional.
The type of this element is jsdl:OperatingSystemsRequirementType. It can contain the following element:
  • operatingSystem
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
</ candidatOperatingSystems>?

operatingSystem element

This element specifies the operating system characteristics that are required for running the job. This attribute is required and can be specified one or more times.
The type for this element is OperatingSystemRequirementType
The following attributes are defined:
This attribute defines the name of operating system required for running the job. The type of this attribute is xsd:string. This attribute is required. Supported values are as follows:
  • AIX®
  • Linux®
  • Windows® 2000
  • Windows® 2003
  • Windows® XP
  • Windows® Vista
  • HPUX
  • Solaris
Specify the operating system version. You can specify the exact operating system version or sub version, for example 5.2 or, or you can specify a part of the version, for example 5.2.3. In this case, the requirement applies to all operating systems having the 5.2.3 version and any sub versions, such as fix packs and maintenance levels. The type of this attribute is xsd:string. This attribute is optional.
Pseudo Schema

fileSystem element

This element describes the set of file system characteristics which may be selected for running the job. Each set of characteristics specifies the location where the file system is available, the required amount of disk space and the type of the file system. The file system may be local to the resource, for example on a local disk, or may be remote, for example on an NFS mount. The requirement is satisfied if for a given target all listed file system characteristics are satisfied. The characteristics combinations are matched in AND, that is all must be matched by the File System resources contained in the target resource. All of the file systems listed must be present for the job to run. If any of the file systems you specify is not available when the job is submitted, the job waits for it to become available. If it does not become available before the timeout expires, the job fails. This element is optional and can be specified zero or more times.
The type for this element is jsdl:FileSystemRequirementType. It contains the diskSpace element.
The following attributes are defined:
Is a token specifying the type of file system of the containing fileSystem element. The type of this attribute is jsdl:FileSystemTypeEnumeration. This attribute is optional. Supported values are as follows:
The file system is not specified.
No Root Directory
Is a local file system that is not the root directory.
Removable Disk
Is a file system mounted on a removable hard disk.
Local Disk
Is a file system mounted on a local disk.
Remote Drive
Is a file system mounted on a remote drive.
Is a file system mounted on a CD ROM drive.
RAM Disk
Is a file system mounted on a RAM disk.
Is a string variable expression specifying the local mapping where the file system is available for the job. The type of this attribute is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType. To specify the mount point, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string. Wildcards are supported. This attribute is optional.
Pseudo Schema

diskSpace element

This element specifies the amount of disk space required on the containing file system element for running the job. The amount of disk space is given in kilobytes. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:NumericRangeType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

logicalResource element

This element specifies one or more logical resources are required for running the job. The characteristics combinations are matched in AND, that is all must be matched by the Logical Resources associated with the target resource. All of the logical resources listed must be available for the job to run. If one of the logical resources you specify is unavailable when the job is submitted, the job waits for it to become available. If it does not become available before the timeout expires, the job fails. This element is optional and can be specified zero or more times.
The type of this element is LogicalResourceRequirementType.
The following attributes are defined:
Is a string variable expression specifying the name of the requested logical resource. To specify the logical resource name, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string. The name must start with an alphabetical character, and can contain underscore symbols ( _ ), minus symbols (-), and periods (.). Spaces, special characters, accented characters are not supported. This attribute is optional.
Is a string variable expression specifying the type of the requested logical resource. To specify the logical resource type, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string. This attribute is optional.
The integer value specifying the required quantity of the logical resource. The specified quantity is allocated exclusively to the job while it runs. To specify the amount of the resource, you can use a variable expression that can contain one variable reference, such as ${var}, or an unsigned integer value. This attribute is optional.
Pseudo Schema

group element

This element specifies that the resources required for running the job have to belong to the specified group of resources. The groups are matched in AND, that is the target resource must be in all the groups specified. This element is optional and can be specified zero or more times.
The type of this element is jsdl:GroupRequirementType.
The following attribute is defined:
Specifies the name of the group as a string variable expression. To specify the resource group, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string. This attribute is required and can be specified once.
Pseudo Schema

properties element

This element specifies the properties of the resource required for running the job. The requirement is expressed as a set of conditions on resource properties combined with AND/OR operators. This is based on the resource model that describes the resources available in the environment as instances of resource types. A resource type is identified by a unique type name and describes the properties that each resource instance provides. Use this element to specify advanced requirements. For more information on available resource types and properties, see Resource types and properties. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:RequirementCompositorType. It can contain the following elements:
  • and
  • or
  • requirement
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
	<and .../>?
	<or .../>?
	<requirement .../>?

and element

This element specifies an AND condition on the containing requirement specifications. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:RequirementCompositorType. It can contain the following elements:
  • and
  • or
  • requirement
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
	<and .../>?
	<or .../>?
	<requirement .../>?

or element

This element specifies an OR condition on the containing requirement specifications. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:RequirementCompositorType. It can contain the following elements:
  • and
  • or
  • requirement
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
	<and .../>?
	<or .../>?
	<requirement .../>?

requirement element

This element is a range value specifying a requirement on the capabilities of a resource for running the job. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:RequirementType.
The following attribute is defined:
Is a string specifying the resource property that the requirement applies to. The available properties vary depending on resources you selected in the resources element. For more information on resource types and properties, see Resource types and properties. The type of this attribute is xsd:NCName. This attribute is required.
Pseudo Schema

allocation element

This element specifies an exclusive allocation requirement on a given property of a resource. You can define an allocation requirement on the resource consumable attributes. For more information on consumable attributes, see Resource types and properties. The job can be run on the resource if the required value is available. While the job runs, it uses exclusively the required value of the resource property. When the job completes, it releases the property value. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:AllocationRequirementType.
The following attribute is defined:
Is a string specifying the resource property that the requirement applies to. The type of this attribute is xsd:QName. This attribute is required.
Specify the quantity of the property which is to be allocated exclusively to the job. To specify the quantity of the property which is to be allocated, you can use a variable expression that can contain one variable reference, such as ${var}, or a double value.
Pseudo Schema

relationship element

This element specifies a requirement that the resource selected for running the job has a relationship with other resources that match certain additional criteria. A relationship is a direct association between a source and a target resource. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:RelationshipRequirementType.
The following attributes are defined:
Is a string specifying the required relationship type. The type of this attribute is xsd:NCName. This attribute is optional.
Is a string specifying the ID of a relatedResources element. If this attribute is specified, the relationship requirement specifies that the resource must have at least one relationship directed from one or more resources matched by the relatedResources element to itself. If this attribute is not specified, then a target attribute must be present. The type of this attribute is xsd:IDREF. This attribute is optional.
Is a string specifying the ID of a relatedResources element. If this attribute is specified, the relationship requirement specifies that the resource must have at least one relationship directed from itself to one or more resources matched by the relatedResources element. If this attribute is not specified, then a source attribute must be present. The type of this attribute is xsd:IDREF. This attribute is optional.
Pseudo Schema

candidateResources element

This element is reserved for internal use.

This element specifies the set of resources, which may be selected from for running the job. If this element is specified, one or more resources from the set must be chosen to run the job. The resources are identified using the Endpoint Reference address (WS-Addressing EPR) of the Job Factory service managing the resource. The requirement combinations are matched in OR, that is at least one of them must be matched by the resource contained in the target resource. At least one of the resources listed must be available for the job to run. If none of the resources you specify is available when the job is submitted, the job waits for one of them to become available. If no resource becomes available before the timeout expires, the job fails. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:CandidateResourcesRequirementType. It contains the endpointReference element.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

endpointReference element

This element is reserved for internal use.

This element specifies the Web Services Addressing endpoint reference of the Job Factory service managing the resource. This element is required and can be specified one or more times. This element is reserved for internal use.
The type of this element is wsa:EndpointReferenceType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

optimization element

This element specifies the optimization policies to be applied to the job. Depending on whether you select the objectiveelement, the resource selection policy changes. This element is optional and can be specified once. If no value is specified then the default load balancing policy to equalize the number jobs running on each resource is applied.
The type for this element is jsdl:OptimizationType. It can contain only the objective element
The following attribute is defined:
Specifies the name of the optimization policy. Supported values are as follows:
If you use this option, you must specify the objective element. Using the objective element, you can specify resource properties to be maximized or minimized. When you define the objective element, dynamic workload broker runs the job on the resource matching the optimization requirement. This is the default value. See Resources in the job definition for more information.
Use this option so that the resource pool for the job is made up of only the best resources among the pool of resources that meet the specified policy. If you use this option, you must specify the objective element. Using the objective element, you can specify resource properties to be maximized or minimized. When you define the objective element, dynamic workload broker runs the job on the resource matching the optimization requirement. This is the default value. See Resources in the job definition for more information.
Pseudo Schema
	<objective .../> |

objective element

This element specifies the objective to reach when performing optimization for the job. For example, if you select the resourcePropertyName CPU Utilization for resourceType Computer System with propertyObjective minimize, dynamic workload broker will try to run the job on the resource where the CPU usage is lowest.
The type of this element is PropertyObjectiveType.
The following attributes are defined:
Is a string specifying the objective type. This attribute is required. Supported values are as follows:
Resources are assigned to the job with the objective to minimize the value of the specified resource type property. For example, you can choose this objective to assign the job to the resource where the CPU usage is lowest.
Resources are assigned to the job with the objective to maximize the value of the specified resource type property. For example, you can choose this objective to assign the job to the resource where the processing speed is highest.
Resources are assigned to the job with the objective to minimize the usage of the specified resource type property. This attribute is available only for consumable properties. For a list of all consumable properties, see Resource types and properties. If you choose to minimize the usage of the property consumption, the job is assigned to a resource where a lower quantity of the property is used.
Resources are assigned to the job with the objective to maximize the usage of the specified resource type property. This attribute is available only for consumable properties. For a list of all consumable properties, see Resource types and properties. For example, you might want to perform a stress test on a workstation by creating jobs where the CPU Utilization resource property for the Computer System resource type is set to Maximize Utilization. This would cause all jobs with this setting to be assigned to the workstation where the CPU usage is higher, generating a loop.
Is a string specifying the type of the resource that the policy applies to. If this element is not specified, the resource type ComputerSystem is assumed. The type of this attribute is xsd:QName. This attribute is optional.
Is a string specifying the resource property that the policy applies to. The type of this attribute is xsd:QName. This attribute is required.
Note: When specifying an optimization requirement on any property of a resource type, you must have previously defined a requirement on that resource type. For example, if you want to optimize the total physical memory on an operating system, you must previously define a requirement on the Operating System resource type. This procedure does not apply to the Computer System resource type, because Computer System is the default resource type.
Pseudo Schema
	propertyObjective="minimize" | "maximize"

scheduling element

This element specifies the scheduling parameters to be applied in running the job. This element is optional and can be specified once.

In the dynamic workload broker, this element corresponds to the Scheduling page. For more information on the Scheduling page, see the online help documentation.

The type of this element is jsdl:SchedulingType. It can contain the following elements:
  • maximumResourceWaitingTime
  • estimatedDuration
  • priority
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

maximumResourceWaitingTime element

This element specifies how long the dynamic workload broker server must wait since the job submission before deciding there are no resources matching the requirements. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is xsd:duration.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

estimatedDuration element

This element specifies the job run estimated duration. This can be used by the dynamic workload broker server to plan the resource assignment. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is xsd:duration.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

priority element

This element specifies the job priority as an integer between 0 and 100. Higher values mean higher priority. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is xsd:PriorityType. It can contain the following elements:
  • maximumResourceWaitingTime
  • estimatedDuration
  • priority
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema


This element describes the list of recovery actions that dynamic workload broker must perform if the time interval specified in the maximumResourceWaitingTime element expires and no resources matching the requirements have been found. This element is optional and can be specified once. The recovery actions defined in the this element are performed by starting a Tivoli Provisioning Manager workflow.
The type of this element is jsdl:RecoveryActionList. It can contain the action element.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
</recoveryActions >


This element specifies the recovery action(s) to be performed. dynamic workload broker performs the actions listed sequentially based on the order in which they have been specified. Any subsequent recovery action is run only if the previous action completed successfully. If the recoveryActions element is specified, at least one action element must be specified.
The type of this element is jsdl:RecoveryActionType.
The following attributes are defined:
Specifies the name of the recovery action to be performed. This attribute is optional.
Specifies the time interval dynamic workload broker must wait for the recovery action to become effective after completing. If this attribute is specified for a recovery action, the subsequent recovery action is performed only after the specified time interval expires. If the required resource becomes available before the interval expires, dynamic workload broker might decide to run the job before the action completes.
Specifies the expected time period dynamic workload broker waits for the recovery action to complete. If the recovery action is not completed when this timeout expires, the recovery procedure fails and the recovery sequence is stopped.
Pseudo Schema
	additionalTimeOnCompletion ="xsd:duration"?
	maximumExecutionTime ="xsd:duration"?
</ action >

tpmaction element

This element specifies the parameters required for running a Tivoli Provisioning Manager recovery action. This attribute is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this attribute is jsdltpm:TPMActionType. It can contain the following elements:
  • parameters
  • credential
  • tpmaddress
  • workFlow
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
	<parameters... />?

parameters element

This element specifies the arguments to be used when running the Tivoli Provisioning Manager workflow. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this attribute is jsdltpm:ParametersType.
The following attributes is supported:
Specifies the name of the attribute to be used when running the Tivoli Provisioning Manager workflow. This attribute is required and can be specified one or more times.
Pseudo Schema
	<parameter... />+

credential element

This element specifies the credentials required for running the Tivoli Provisioning Manager workflow. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:CredentialType. It can contain the following elements:
  • userName
  • password
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
	<userName> jsdl:NotEmptyStringVariableExpressionType</userName>
	<password> jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType </password>

userName element

This element specifies a user name defined on the target system, that is used to run the Tivoli Provisioning Manager workflow. This element is required if you use the credential element and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:NotEmptyStringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

password element

This element specifies the password of the specified user that is used to run the Tivoli Provisioning Manager workflow on the target system. This element is required if you use the credential element and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

tpmaddress element

This element specifies the Tivoli Provisioning Manager address that must be used to call the Tivoli Provisioning Manager web service necessary for running the workflow. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdltpm:TPMAddressType.
The following attributes are defined:
Specifies the host name of the Tivoli Provisioning Manager server to be used when running the recovery action.
Specifies the port number of the Tivoli Provisioning Manager server to be used when running the recovery action.
Pseudo Schema
	<host... />
	<port... />
</ tpmaddress >

workflow element

This element specifies the name of the Tivoli Provisioning Manager workflow to be run. To specify the workflow name, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string. This element is required.
The type of this element is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

executable element

This element specifies the parameters for running a native system command, that is executable files and scripts. You can also embed scripts in this element. This element is required.
Note: The following restrictions apply:
  • On Windows® systems, you can run scripts containing batch commands. Supported formats for scripts are:
    • .cmd
    • .bat
  • On UNIX® and Linux® systems, only shell scripts are supported. At the beginning of the shell script, you must specify the command interpreter.
  • On UNIX® and Linux® systems, commands contained in scripts must run in foreground. This means that you cannot use the "&" parameter in association with the command.
  • On all supported platforms, you cannot include in jobs any commands starting a program with a graphic interface.
The type of this element is jsdle:ExecutableType. It can contain the following elements:
  • script
  • arguments
  • environment
  • credential
The following attributes are defined:
Is a string variable expression specifying the path name of the executable file to run. If the script element is not present, the path attribute must be specified. If the script element is present, the path attribute cannot be specified. To specify the path, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string.

You must specify the file extension. If you want to run an executable file without specifying its extension, you can specify the executable file name in the script element, so that the file is run within the shell.

Is a string variable expression specifying the standard input for the command. This attribute is an absolute path name or a path name relative to the working directory. To specify the path, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string. This attribute is optional.
Is a string variable expression specifying the standard output for the command. This attribute is an absolute path name or a path name relative to the working directory. To specify the path, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string. This attribute is optional.
Is a string variable expression specifying the standard error for the command. This attribute is an absolute path name or a path name relative to the working directory. To specify the path, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string. This attribute is optional.
Is a string variable expression specifying the working directory required by the job to run. To specify the directory, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string. This attribute is optional. If you do not specify this attribute, the job runs in the following directories, depending on the operating system:
On UNIX® systems
The following cases apply:
  • The job runs in the $HOME_DIRECTORY of the user who submits the job, if existing.
  • If this directory does not exist, it runs on /root, if the user who submits the job has the required rights.
  • If the user does not have the required rights, the job runs in the HCL Workload Automation agent working directory.
On Windows® systems
The job runs in the HCL Workload Automation agent working directory.
Specifies the script code to be run. To specify special characters required by scripting languages, the content of the script element can be specified with a CDATA section
Pseudo Schema
	<script ... />?
	<arguments .../>?
	<environment .../>?
	<credential .../>?

script element

This element specifies the script code to be run. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is xsd:string.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

arguments element

This element specifies the list of arguments as string variable expressions that are concatenated to produce the argument string to be passed to the command. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdle:ArgumentsType. It can contain the following element:
  • value
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

value element

This element specifies the value of the arguments element. To specify the value, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string. This element is required and can be specified one or more times.
The type of this element is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
Note: If you need to specify that a value consists of a blank space, you must enclose it within double quotation marks.

environment element

This element specifies a string variable expression of environment variables that will be defined for the job in the running environment. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:jsdle:EnvironmentType. It can contain the following element:
  • variable
No attributes are defined
Pseudo Schema
	<variable name="xsd:string">jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType/variable>+
Note: If you need to specify that a value consists of a blank space, you must enclose it within double quotation marks.

variable element

This element specifies a string variable expression of environment variables that will be defined for the job in the running environment. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType.
The following attributes are defined:
Specifies the name of the variable.
Specifies the value of the variable. To specify the variable value, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string.

credential element

This element specifies the security credential for running the command. Include this element when you want to specify a user or group name under which the executable or script runs on the target system that is different from the user or group name under which the workload agent runs. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdle:CredentialType. It can contain the following elements:
  • userName
  • groupName
  • password
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
	<userName> jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType </userName>
	<groupName> jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType </groupName>
	<password> jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType </password>

userName element

Is a string variable expression that specifies the user name of a user defined on the target system. The command runs using this user name. This element is required if you use the credential element and can be specified once. This might be either a UNIX® or Windows® user ID. To specify the user name, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references such as ${var}, optionally, in association with any character or with a simple string. If the application runs on a Windows system as a Windows domain user, specify the user name as follows:
If the application runs as a local user, you can use the following format:
The type of this element is jsdl:NotEmptyStringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
	<userName> jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType </userName>
	<groupName> jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType </groupName>
	<password> jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType </password>

groupName element

Is a string variable expression that specifies the name of the group to which the user belongs that is defined on the target system where the command runs. This element is optional and can be specified once. This element is ignored on Windows® target systems. To specify the group name, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string.
The type of this element is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
	<userName> jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType </userName>
	<groupName> jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType </groupName>
	<password> jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType </password>

password element

Is a string variable expression that defines the password of the specified user name that is used to run the command on the target system. This element is optional and can be specified once. This element is ignored on UNIX® target systems. To specify the password, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string.
The type of this element is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema
	<userName> jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType </userName>
	<groupName> jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType </groupName>
	<password> jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType </password>

j2ee element

This element specifies the J2EE application information needed for the job. This element is optional and can be specified once. The J2EE operations you can perform vary depending on the scheduler type (direct or indirect) you select, and on whether or not you enable WebSphere Application Server or J2EE security.
The type of this element is jsdlj:J2EEType. It can contain the following elements:
  • invoker
  • jsm
  • ejb
  • credential
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

invoker element

This element specifies whether indirect or direct invoker is to be used for the J2EE application. This element is required and can be specified once. Selecting a direct invoker means that the HCL Workload Automation agent immediately forwards the job to the WebSphere Application Server instance components (EJB or JMS). Selecting an indirect invoker means that the HCL Workload Automation agent leverages an existing WebSphere® scheduling infrastructure already configured on the target WebSphere Application Server.
The type of this element is jsdlj:InvokerType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

jms element

This element specifies the target Java Message System (JMS) queue and the message to be sent. This element is optional and can be specified once. It is mutually exclusive with the ejb element.
The type of this element is jsdlj:JMSActionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

ejb element

This element specifies the characteristics of the JNDI home of the EJB to be called. It is mutually exclusive with the jms element. The EJB must be already installed in the target WAS and must implement the TaskHandler interface.
The type of this element is jsdlj:EJBActionType. It can contain the following elements:
  • jndiHome
  • credential
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

jndiHome element

This element specifies the home directory of the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) application programming interface. This element is required and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

JMS action element

This element specifies the characteristics of the JMS action.
The type of this element is jsdlj:JMSActionType. It can contain the following elements:
  • connFactory
  • destination
  • message
  • credential
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

connFactory element

This element specifies an administered object that a client uses to create a connection to the JMS provider. This element is required and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

destination element

This element specifies an administered object that encapsulates the identity of a message destination, which is where messages are delivered and consumed. This element is required and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

message element

This element specifies an object that is sent from one application to another. This element is required and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

credential element

This element specifies the credentials required for running the J2EE application. Include this element when you want to specify a user name under which the application runs on the target system that is different from the user name under which the workload agent runs. This element is optional and can be specified once.
The type of this element is jsdl:CredentialType. It can contain the following elements:
  • userName
  • password
  • JAASAuthenticationAlias
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

userName element

This element specifies the user name of a user defined on the target system. The J2EE application runs using this user name. This element is required if you use the credential element and can be specified once. To specify the user name, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references such as ${var}, optionally in association with any character or with a simple string. If you choose an indirect invoker, use this element to specify the user name required to connect to the WebSphere Application Server scheduler.
The type of this element is jsdl:NotEmptyStringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

password element

This element specifies the password of the specified user name that is used to run the J2EE application on the target system. This element is optional and can be specified once. To specify the password, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references, such as ${var}, any character, and any string. If you choose an indirect invoker, use this element to specify the password required to connect to the WebSphere Application Server scheduler.
The type of this element is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema

JAASAuthenticationAlias element

This element specifies the JAAS authentication alias. This element is optional and can be specified once. It is required only when using an indirect invoker. To specify the alias, you can use a variable expression that can contain one or more variable references such as ${var}, optionally in association with any character or with a simple string.
The type of this element is jsdl:StringVariableExpressionType.
No attributes are defined.
Pseudo Schema