Enabling the time zone feature

About this task

Time zones are enabled by default on installation of the product.

When you upgrade, the time zone feature inherits the setting of the previous installation. You can enable the time zone using the enTimeZone option of the optman command, as follows:

optman chg enTimeZone = yes
The following steps outline the method of implementing the time zone feature:
  1. Load HCL Workload Automation.

    The database allows time zones to be specified for workstations, but not on start and deadline times within job streams in the database. The plan creation (JnextPlan) ignores any time zones that are present in the database. You will not be able to specify time zones anywhere in the plan.

  2. Define workstation time zones.

    Set the time zone of the master domain manager workstation, of the backup master domain manager, and of any agents that are in a different time zone than the master domain manager. No time zones are allowed in the database for Start, Latest Start Time, and Termination Deadline times. No time zones are allowed anywhere in the plan at this point, because enTimeZone is set to no.

  3. When workstation time zones have been set correctly, enable the time zone feature.

    All users are able to use time zones anywhere in the database, although they should wait for the next run of JnextPlan to use them on Start, Latest Start Time, and Termination Deadline times. The next time JnextPlan runs, time zones are carried over to the plan and the Dynamic Workload Console, and the back end allows specification of time zones anywhere in the plan.

  4. Start using time zones on start and until times where needed.

    You can now use all time zone references in the database and in the plan with the Dynamic Workload Console and the command-line interface.