Difference marker descriptions

The following table provides a description of the difference markers used in Diff Merge.

Marker Difference type Description
A yellow triangle Changed Indicates that this difference contains lines that are changed from the base contributor.
Blank indicates same in all Default Indicates that this section of text (if a file) or set of files (if a directory) is the same in all contributors. Note that there is no visual marker. However, a hover help is displayed when you hold the cursor over the beginning of the line.
A lowercase a overlaid by a red x Deleted Indicates that this difference does not contain lines that are included in the base contributor.
A lowercase a overlaid by a red x and to its right a red horizontal arrow pointing right DeleteMoved Indicates that lines have been removed from this location and moved to a new location.
A light blue rectangle overlaying a white rectangle with a dashed outline Different Object ID (Comparing or merging directories only) Indicates that this difference contains at least one file or directory that has the same name in the base contributor, but that the file or directory was deleted and created again and is considered to be a different file or directory.
A lowercase a under which is a red triangle Inserted Indicates that this difference contains lines that are not displayed in the base contributor.
A lowercase a under which is a red triangle and to its right a red horizontal arrow pointing right InsertMoved Indicates that this difference contains lines that were moved from another location to this location.
A white rectangle with a black dashed outline Padding Indicates that Diff Merge has padded this difference with extra blank lines to align text with other contributors, which have insertions in this region. This padding is not displayed in the merge output.
A black check mark Unchanged Indicates that this contributor does not differ from the base contributor at this location, but that another contributor does contain differences at this location.