Transferring mastership of a type object

When you create a type object, it is mastered by the replica where you create it. You can change the mastership of the type object using the chmaster command.

About this task

Except for elements, instances of an unshared type can be created only at the master replica. Elements can be created at any replica, regardless of which replica masters the element type. Instances of shared types can be created at any replica if the replica masters the target object. (For more information, see Type object mastership; there are additional restrictions if the type is a global type.)

Note: If you change mastership of a branch type to another replica, mastership is not changed for explicitly mastered branches of that type, even if the same replica masters the branch type and the branch. Mastership is changed for branches of that type with default mastership. To change explicitly mastered branches to have default mastership, see Removing explicit mastership of a branch.


  1. Determine which replica masters the type object:
    multitool describe lbtype:TOKYO_BASE@/vobs/dev
    label type "TOKYO_BASE"
    created 15-Aug-00.14:20:26 by Susan Goechs (susan.user@minuteman)
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs/dev
  2. At the master replica, enter a chmaster command:
    MINUTEMAN% multitool chmaster –c "transfer to sanfran_hub" sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev lbtype:TOKYO_BASE@/vobs/dev
    Changed mastership of label type "TOKYO_BASE" to "sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev"
  3. At the old master replica, export and send an update packet to the new master replica:
    MINUTEMAN% multitool syncreplica –export –fship sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev
    Generating synchronization packet
    - shipping order file is
    Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
    -- Forwarded/delivered packet
  4. At the new master replica, import the packet:
    multitool syncreplica –import –receive 
    Applied sync. packet
    6-Aug- to VOB /net/goldengate/vobstg/dev.vbs
  5. At the new master replica, verify that mastership has been received:
    BAGUETTE% multitool describe lbtype:TOKYO_BASE@/vobs/dev 
    label type "TOKYO_BASE"
    created 15-Aug-02.14:20:26 by Susan Goechs (susan.user@minuteman)
    master replica: sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev