Method 1: Connected method

You can use sync_export_list –update or chepoch –actual to set the epoch row to match the actual state of the receiving replica.

About this task


At the sending replica, use sync_export_list –update or chepoch –actual to set the epoch row to match the actual state of the receiving replica.
For example, use one of the following commands:
/opt/hcl/ccm/versionvault/config/scheduler/tasks/sync_export_list –update
–replicas sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev
multitool chepoch –actual sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev
Entry for        bangalore changed from:         985 to         950
Entry for       boston_hub changed from:        1400 to        1300
Entry for      sanfran_hub changed from:        2562 to        2000
Note: The sending and receiving sites must have an IP connection.


These commands contact the receiving replica and retrieve its epoch row (the receiving replica’s record of its own state). The sync_export_list –updatecommand sends an update packet after it updates the epoch row in the sending replica.