Abe environment variables

The environment variables mentioned in this content specify information related to the abe processes.

Specifies to clearmake the number of minutes that clearmake is to wait for an abe to request initial build context after receiving initial contact from a new able. The default value is 3 minutes. The intent of this environment variable is to prevent clearmake from attempting to use an abe that is not responsive enough to provide timely build service.
Specifies to clearmake the full path name of the abe executable that clearmake is to run when launching abes.
Specifies to clearmake the number of seconds that clearmake is to wait for the first contact from a new abe. The default wait time is 30 seconds. The intent of this environment variable is to prevent clearmake from attempting to use an abe that is not responsive enough to provide timely build service.
Specifies to the abe the number of minutes that the abe is to wait for clearmake to reply after requesting a target build. The default wait time is 180 minutes. The intent of this environment variable is to prevent abes from persisting long after their parent clearmake has exited.