Listing derived objects created at a certain path name

Use the lsdo command to list derived objects created at a specific path name. For more information about the kinds of DOs included in the listing, see the lsdo reference page.
  • To list all DOs created at the path name adm.h:
    cleartool lsdo adm.h 
    01-Jul.13:49 "adm.h@@01-Jul.13:49.1286781"
    30-Jun.20:03 "adm.h@@30-Jun.20:03.1278990"
    30-Jun.18:14 "adm.h@@30-Jun.18:14.1277470"
    29-Jun.19:11 "adm.h@@29-Jun.19:11.1253509"
    29-Jun.18:13 "adm.h@@29-Jun.18:13.1252790"
    29-Jun.16:09 "adm.h@@29-Jun.16:09.1249897"
  • To list all DOs created by you at the path name adm.h:
    cleartool lsdo -me adm.h 
    30-Jun.18:14 "adm.h@@30-Jun.18:14.1277470"