
Learn about the loads.

Idle percentage
almost 0
Note: The idleness threshold can be specified with -idle settings on both the client and server. If there is a conflict, the overall principle is that the build server host controls its fate. For example:
  • A clearmake process is searching for hosts that are at least 50% idle (the default). A build server that appears to qualify because it is 70% idle is not used if its bldserver.control file includes the line -idle 75.
  • A bldserver.control file on a build server host permits access, because it contains the line -idle 60 and the host is currently 75% idle. However, clearmake does not dispatch a build script to this host, because the build hosts file specifies a higher threshold: -idle 80.
-power factor
(Must be specified alone, on a separate line) During the computation of the idleness of host, divides factor into the percentage specified with -idle (or into the system default). Thus, these two specifications are equivalent: factor must be a non-negative floating-point number.
-idle 60
-idle 20
-power 3

This option allows you to model a powerful host--perhaps a multiprocessor--that is more capable of accepting work at a given idleness level. You can use -power 3.0 or -power 2.5 for a three-processor build server host. You can also model a relatively weak host, by assigning it a power value less than 1.0.

If a build server control file includes multiple -power lines, only the last one takes effect.

-time start-time,end-time ...
Specifies one or more intervals during which the host is available as a build server. start-time and end-time must be specified in the 24-hour format:
(hh = 0-23 ; mm = 0-59 )

An interval can span midnight; for example, 17:00,8:00 specifies the interval from 5 P.M. to 8 A.M. the following day.