Using .class.dep files

clearmake uses the .class.dep file.

clearmake reads the contents of a .class.dep file when it evaluates the dependency list of the corresponding .class target. For example:


rm -f A.class


For this makefile, clearmake tries to find, open, and parse A.class.dep before it evaluates The stored dependencies, if any, are evaluated before

Because .class.dep files are DOs, clearmake can wink in these files from other views. The .class.dep files have their own config record, which has a single dependency on the corresponding .java version, and no build script. If two views can compile the same .java version with different compiler options, and the same class dependencies are derived, a .class.dep file from one view could be winked in to the other.

Note: The .class.dep and .class files have no config record relationship.