The build.xml file

By default, the Ant build uses the file, build.xml to specify the parameters of the build.

CCAudits does not require any changes to this file but it does search it for the optional properties that are listed in the following table:

Property Action
CCAudits.debug Prints debugging information to the display.
CCAudits.ccaudits_dir Specifies a directory under the project directory, which contains project, sub-project, and target derived objects.
CCAudits.auditable_task_list Specifies the list of tasks that are to be audited by default. For example: property CCAudits.auditable_task_list= javac:jar:javah:war:tar

You can either add these optional properties to the file build.xml by using the Ant Property task or you can add them to the properties file and include this file by using the Ant Property task. For more information, see the Jakarta Ant documentation.