Build time environment variables

Learn about environment variables of build time.

The following environment variables specify information related to the build time.

Deactivates the sleep-check cycle of the clearmake during a build. When this environment variable is set, clearmake does not check for a VOB lock (or wait for the VOB to be unlocked).
A list of VOB tags - separated by a space, tab, comma, or colon - to be checked for lock status during a build. If a VOB on this list is locked, clearmake goes into a sleep-check cycle.
Specifies clearmake that when it checks for a VOB lock, it must check exemptions for specific users. This check slows performance more than the default behavior, which is to query if the VOB is locked for anyone.
Specifies a umask of file permissions that clearmake temporarily set before running a target build for files that the target build creates. When the target build finishes, the file permissions return to the previous state.