Installation and setup requirements

Each product installation includes the common component and the product's HCL CM API subprovider. The subprovider layer ensures that the VersionVault CM API component infrastructure is installed. Depending on the combination of products installed, systems can have all or a subset of the following JAR files:
  • HCL CM API component infrastructure JAR files
  • HCL CM API subprovider JAR file for VersionVault

The HCL CM API infrastructure is designed to function regardless of whether all the subproviders are present. The provider interface allows subprovider JAR files to be at different release levels.

The HCL CM API component has a multipart version number. Installing one subprovider overwrites the infrastructure component installed by a previous version of the subprovider, but only if the infrastructure component is a newer version than the one that is already installed.

All the JAR files from the CM API plugin reside in the Installation Manager shared area for your operating system:
  • /opt/hcl/IMShared/plugins/ or /opt/ibm/IMShared/plugins/
  • C:\Program Files\HCL\IMShared\plugins\ or C:\Program Files\IBM\IMShared\plugins\
To use the HCL CM API JAR files, you must add their locations to your class path. These examples use a wildcard character (*) to specify all JAR files in the directory:
  • java -cp bin:/opt/hcl/IMShared/plugins/* your-main-class or java -cp bin:/opt/ibm/IMShared/plugins/* your-main-class
  • java -classpath bin;"C:\Program Files\HCL\IMShared\plugins\\*" your-main-class or java -classpath bin;"C:\Program Files\IBM\IMShared\plugins\\*" your-main-class
Note: Every time you upgrade to a new version or fix pack, you must update the class path as well.