Configure HCL Licensing

Licenses are required to run HCL VersionVault programs and commands. The licenses for VersionVault are managed on the HCL Software License & Download Portal by the license administrator.

Managing License Entitlements

License entitlements are managed by the license administrator using the HCL Software License & Download Portal. The license administrator needs to refer to the software order acknowledgment letter for instructions on how to access the portal. The letter also describes how to create a cloud license server and how to add entitlements to it.
Note: HCL VersionVault, HCL VersionVault MultiSite, and HCL Compass are required to share the same license server. When you add your VersionVault or VersionVault MultiSite entitlement, make sure that the entitlement is added to the same license server that is being used for Compass.
Configuring Licensing in VersionVault

During Installation

During the installation of VersionVault, you are prompted for the information about your license server. In Installation Manager, on the Common Configurations panel, in the HCL Licensing section, the following options are displayed:

  • Cloud: This option is selected by default. Enter your license server URL in the License Server URL field, and your license server ID in the License Server ID field. The license server URL is preconfigured as The license server ID is unique for each customer. Your VersionVault administrator must provide these values to you.
    Note: The license server settings are shared with both VersionVault and Compass.
  • Local: Enter the local license server URL in the http://localservername:portnumber format. To compose a local license server URL, check with your administrator for the protocol (http or https), local server name, and port number.
    Note: When using https, and the server's certificate is signed by a private certificate authority, get the certificate authority's root certificate in PEM (base-64) format.
Table 1. Comparison of the cloud license and local license options for HCL Licensing
Description Cloud license Local license
License server availability
Note: During license server outages, VersionVault operations might fail due to licensing failures.
Servers are managed by Revenera, with occasional scheduled outages. Also, Internet connectivity outages interfere with license checks. Servers and their outages are managed by the customer.
Network connectivity VersionVault clients need Internet access to the Revenera-hosted license servers. VersionVault local clients and servers need Internet access to the Revenera servers, while WAN clients do not need access. VersionVault clients need access to the customer's license server. The license server can be configured for online access to the Revenera provisioning system, which requires Internet access, or for offline management, which does not need Internet access.
Applying new or additional entitlements Customer applies entitlements to their license servers using the Revenera web portal. Offline server: The customer manually downloads entitlements from Revenera web portal and installs them into their offline local license server.

Online server: The customer applies entitlements using the Revenera web portal.

The following scenarios are available when you have either VersionVault or Compass installed on your system:
  • If Compass is already installed on your system using Installation Manager, and now you are installing VersionVault on it, then both HCL Licensing and Atria Licensing for VersionVault sections are displayed on the Common Configurations panel. The HCL Licensing section is dimmed with existing license details and a message is displayed stating HCL Licensing is already configured for this system. You can use the Compass licensing details for VersionVault or use the Atria Licensing for VersionVault section, as per your requirements.
  • If VersionVault is already installed on your system using Installation Manager, and now you are installing Compass on it, then only the HCL Licensing section is displayed on the Common Configurations panel. If HCL Licensing was used for VersionVault, then the HCL Licensing section is dimmed with existing license details and a message is displayed stating HCL Licensing is already configured for this system. You can use the same licensing details for Compass. However, if VersionVault was installed using Atria Licensing, then you need to provide the HCL Licensing details for Compass.

Post Installation

After the installation, you can change the license server settings using the following:
  • Requirement for Windows Open the VersionVault Control Panel applet. The license server settings are on the Licensing tab. Enter the license server URL in the HCL Licensing server URL field and leave the HCL Licensing server ID field empty.
  • Requirement for Linux Edit the file at /var/adm/hcl/versionvault/config/fne_config. Enter the license server URL on the first line and leave the second line empty.