Serial development of a file that cannot be merged

In this scenario, a writer cannot currently check out the file using a reserved checkout because the branch is mastered by a different replica. She waits until she receives mastership before proceeding with her checkout.

  1. Masako, in Tokyo, tries to check out the file \doc\ref\, but the checkout fails because the Tokyo replica does not master the main branch:
    cleartool checkout –c "new command options"
    cleartool: Error: Unable to perform operation "checkout" in replica
    "tokyo" of VOB "\doc".
    cleartool: Error: Master replica of branch "\main" is "boston_hub".
    cleartool: Error: Unable to check out "".
  2. She requests mastership of branch\main:
    cleartool reqmaster –c "Tokyo needs mastership"\main\main: Change of mastership at sibling replica
    "boston_hub" was successful.
    Mastership is in transit to the new master replica.
  3. Periodically, she retries the checkout or displays properties of the branch to determine whether mastership has been received. After mastership is received at her replica, the describe command shows that her replica masters the branch and her checkout succeeds:
    cleartool describe –fmt "%[master]p\n"\main
    cleartool checkout –c "new command options"
    Checked out "" from version "\main\30".