Restrictions on multiple replicas in a LAN

There are restrictions on how you can create multiple replicas in a LAN that impact how you can design your replica architecture when using MultiSite for interoperability.

  • Do not register multiple replicas of a VOB family on a single registry host.

    This restriction prevents multiple replicas from being mounted on a host and prevents developers from accessing multiple replicas of a VOB family with a single view.

  • Locate cross-VOB symbolic links in branched directories.
    Note: If the leaf name of the Linux® VOB tag is the same as the Windows® VOB tag (for example, /vobs/dev and \dev), this restriction does not apply.

    Cross-VOB symbolic links point to particular replicas. To make it possible for clients to use a different replica, you can branch the directory that contains the symbolic link. Branching the directory may lead to partitioning replica use based on projects.

    For example, assume a project uses the branch v2.0_integration as the integration branch and the directory vob_links contains all the symbolic links that cross VOBs. The project manager creates a v2.0_integration branch of the directory vob_links, and then adjusts any symbolic links to point to the VOB tag of the replica in use for that project. For example, on Linux®:

    ls –l
    tests -> ../../tests
    gui_src -> ../../gui_src
    design -> ../../design

    On Windows®:

    cleartool ls
    tests -> ../../tests
    gui_src -> ../../gui_src
    design -> ../../design

    The leaf name of the VOB tag of the local replica is gui_src_replica2, so the project manager adjusts the symbolic links as follows:

    cleartool checkout –nc .
    cleartool rmname gui_src
    cleartool ln –s ../../gui_src_replica2 gui_src
    cleartool checkin .

    This ensures that the correct replica is referenced during a build of this project.

    You can also use one symbolic link that refers to another VOB and have other symbolic links refer to it. For example:

    acme_install -> ../../vobs/acme/install
    release_list -> acme_install/release_list

    This limits the number of duplicate links that must be maintained. Avoid cross-VOB symbolic links as much as possible.

  • Make sure case-sensitivity and text mode settings are correct.

    You must make sure that case-sensitivity and the text mode are handled properly. If there are case conflicts among files at different replicas, errors occur during synchronization. The text mode controls the use of line terminators in files; differences in use of line terminators between editors on Windows® and other platforms cause unexpected behavior during file comparisons and merges.

    The Help describes how to handle case-sensitivity and text mode setup. Be sure to read it carefully before creating replicas on any platform.

Attention: Do not use MultiSite to create multiple copies of a VOB in a single VersionVault region. Because the VOB UUID is identical for all replicas in a VOB family and is stored in many structures in a VOB, there is no way to make the copy of the VOB unique. Creating and mounting multiple copies of a VOB in a single region causes clearmake and views to exhibit unpredictable behavior, may cause data loss, and is not supported.