Completing the semi-live reformatVOB process

Learn how to complete the semi-live reformatVOB process.

About this task

The semi-live reformatVOB process takes a couple of minutes to many minutes to complete depending on how many outstanding transactions must be processed. Before starting the complete process, use the cleartool reforamtvob -semilive -status <vob_stg_path> command to see the number of transactions that must be processed.


To complete the semi-live reformatVOB process:
  1. The administrator executes the command:
    cleartool reformatvob -semilive -complete <vob_stg_path>
  2. VOB is now locked to prevent any further changes.
  3. A Complete message is sent to the db_replay_server, which instructs the db_replay_server to replay all the outstanding transactions and then exit.
  4. When all the transactions are completed, cleartool stops all the processes using this database and then move the database directories:
    1. Existing db directory is moved to db.pre-semilive.<month>.<day>.
    2. Directory db.semilive with a schema 81 database, is moved to db.
  5. The VOB is unlocked and ready for use.