Access requirements for VOB storage

A VOB storage directory must be writable by anyone who is authorized to create a VOB in it. In addition, storage directories for VOBs to be accessed by dynamic views must be accessible over the network.

Network accessibility requirements for VOB storage depend on the VOB host platform.
  • On Linux or the UNIX system hosts, the partition where the VOB storage location is created must be exported so that clients running Linux or the UNIX system can mount it. If you plan to use an SMB server product to make the VOB accessible to Windows® clients, the SMB server must be configured for that purpose, as described in Configuring cross-platform file-system access.
  • On Windows® hosts, the directory (folder) must be shared. For more information, see Windows shares for VOB and view storage.

If a VOB will never be accessed by a dynamic view, you can create it on a partition that is not exported or shared.