Overview of replica creation

You can use a three-phase procedure to create a new replica: export, transport, and import.

To create a new replica:
  1. Export phase: At one site, enter a mkreplica –export command, which creates a new replica object and a replica-creation packet.
  2. Transport phase: Send the packet to one or more other sites.
  3. Import phase: At the other sites, enter a mkreplica –import command, which imports the replica-creation packet.

The procedure is similar for different methods of packet delivery and for different platforms. The example in this chapter assumes that you have a high-speed connection between hosts, and that all replicas are located on Linux® or UNIX® system-based machines. The procedure is the same if all replicas are located on Windows® machines or if one replica is on a Windows machine; only the VOB tags and pathnames are different.

If some replicas in a family will be located on Linux or the UNIX system-based machines and others will be on Windows machines, be sure to read Replicating a VOB between Windows and another platform.