Restoring replica storage that has been accidentally deleted

This is the process to follow when a replica's storage directory is lost, and there is no backup to be restored.

This situation is a more catastrophic variation of the problem described in Restoring a replica from backup: a replica's storage directory is lost, and there is no backup to be restored.

Perform this procedure in the replica that masters the deleted replica. (If the replica was its own master, perform this procedure in the replica that will master the deleted replica's objects.) It is also important that the replica know about all the objects that were mastered by the deleted replica.
  1. Transfer mastership of all the objects mastered by the deleted replica. For example, if the tokyo replica is deleted, enter this command at the sanfran_hub replica:
    multitool chmaster -all -obsolete_replica tokyo@/vobs/dev -long sanfran_hub
    Attention: Incorrect use of -all -obsolete_replica can lead to irreparable inconsistencies among the replicas in a family.
  2. Remove the VOB-replica object for the deleted replica.
    multitool rmreplica tokyo@/vobs/dev
  3. Send an update packet to all other replicas in the family, to inform them of the mastership changes and the replica deletion.
    multitool syncreplica -export ...