Import phase

You can automate packet import using receipt handlers and scheduled jobs.

To automate packet import, use one of the methods described in Import methods.

Table 1. Import methods
Import method Description Advantages Disadvantages
Receipt handlers When a packet is received, the receipt handler imports it. Packets are imported immediately. Constant load on VOB server. Packet import failures are not retried.
Scheduled jobs When a packet is received at a replica, it is stored in a storage bay. When the scheduled job runs, the packet is imported. You can schedule import to minimize server load. Changes are not applied to the VOB immediately.
Receipt handlers and scheduled jobs See descriptions above. You can use scheduled jobs and receipt handlers to implement a retry-on-failure capability. For example, if packets are delivered out of order and the receipt handler cannot import them, the job retries the import. There is the potential for contention between the two methods if one imports and then deletes a packet the other was about to process.