Special procedures for moving snapshot views on Windows

When you move a snapshot view on Windows®, you must preserve both the ACLs of the view storage directory and the modification times of loaded elements in the snapshot view directory.

About this task

You can use the Windows xcopy utility to copy the snapshot view directory, but you must use the HCL VersionVault ccopy utility (described in Preserving NTFS ACLs when copying a VOB or view storage directory) to copy the view storage directory. You must run the copy utility on the host to which the view is being moved. In the following example, the view storage directory view.stg is a subdirectory of the snapshot view directory v5_integration.vws.

net use E: \\boron\viewstg
xcopy /e/v/i/r/h/k v5_integration.vws E:\v5_integration.vws
rmdir E:\v5_integration.vws\view.stg
ccopy v5_integration.vws\view.stg E:\v5_integration.vws

xcopy /k preserves the modification time of loaded elements but allows the parent directory’s ACL to be inherited by the copied snapshot view storage directory, which can cause problems with view access. ccopy preserves NTFS ACLs as required by HCL VersionVault, but does not preserve file modification times.