Upgrading multiple master and resource domains

Use this procedure when HCL VersionVault users and groups are members of more than one Windows NT® domain and you use proxy groups to enable users from these domains to access a common set of VOBs and views. The domains can include resources, users, and groups or can be master domains trusted by resource domains.

About this task

To upgrade multiple master and resource domains:


  1. Prepare HCL VersionVault hosts, as described in Preparing HCL VersionVault hosts.
  2. If you do not have a backup domain controller online for each of the master and resource domains during the upgrade, stop HCL VersionVault on all server hosts to prevent HCL VersionVault operations during the upgrade process.
  3. Use the procedures defined by Microsoft® to perform an in-place upgrade of the first Windows NT master domain to an Active Directory domain.
    Upgrade the domain in which the HCL VersionVault users group is defined before you upgrade the domains in which the proxy groups are defined.
  4. Upgrade the remaining master domains.
  5. After the master domains are upgraded, you can begin to upgrade the resource domains.
    If you do not alter existing trust relationships between domains that have been upgraded and those that have not, you can upgrade the resource domains in any order and on any schedule that is appropriate for your organization. Make all upgraded domains members of the same forest. This allows you to use Active Directory universal groups, as described in Using active directory universal groups.
  6. After the upgrade of a resource domain is complete, shut down and restart all HCL VersionVault hosts in that resource domain.
  7. After all domains have been upgraded and the Active Directory domain has been converted to native mode, follow the procedure in Converting proxy groups to eliminate proxy groups and domain mapping.

What to do next

Convert the Active Directory domains to native mode after the upgrade is complete, so that you can use an Active Directory universal group to eliminate the need for proxy groups and domain mapping.