How do I manage my personal contacts?

Add contacts to save information about the people you communicate with in HCL Verse.

To add a contact, click Contacts > New Contact:New Contact button from Contacts

Add a name and any other information that you want and then save the contact. You can add phone numbers, email addresses, web site addresses, work information, birthday and anniversary dates, and postal addresses.

Note: If you don't see the Contacts link in the navigation bar, your administrator hasn't enabled this feature. In that case, click People > Mail Contacts to manage contacts through HCL iNotes.
Your list of contacts looks like this. If your contact list is long, use search to find a contact. Click a contact to open it and see details about the contact. While it's open, you can edit or delete it.Contacts list with three contacts

If a contact has an email address, you can address an email or meeting invitation to them. Type the contact name or address in the addressing field. Similar to the way you search for names in a directory, use the "Search Directory for" feature to find the new contact, then select their name. Thereafter, the contact automatically appears in the addressing field when typing the name or address.

Searching directory for "elana" Elana Garcia contact found
Note: This release does not support managing groups in the contacts.