Known issues

The following known issues are there in the 12.1.8 version of Unica Platform.

Issue ID Description
HMA-349137 NullPointerException in SchedulerAPIClientManager when accessed via platform token
HMA-348595 Platform Installer doesn't show Pre-Summary information during installation
HMA-348503 User is able to access the Summary and Analysis page of Segment Central from Recent and Favourites options though the permissions are restricted for that user.
HMA-347720 One Campaign Flowchart - Registration to Recent or Favourite doesn't work : error while accessing Mailing

User is not able to log in to Platform after upgrade to 12.1.1, in case Deliver is configured.


Execute the following query on Platform database.

select * from usm_role_role_map where role_id = (select ID from usm_role where name='Deliver_admin' and application=101 and partition_id=<>)

Specify actual partition id in above query, default for partition1, partition id =1, it varies for multiple partitions.

If above result in more than one row, contact HCL support to help in executing the following delete query - delete one of the duplicate record of "Deliver_admin " role by running the below query.

delete from usm_role_role_map where role_id = (select ID from usm_role where name='Deliver_admin' and application=101 and partition_id=<>) and parent_role_id=<partition_id>

For example , for partition id =1

delete from usm_role_role_map where role_id = (select ID from usm_role where name='Deliver_admin' and application=101 and partition_id=1) and parent_role_id=1


The installer is considering soft (symbolic) links, while calculating free disk space.

In case, a soft (symbolic) link is created in the installation folder, the installer may report that there is not enough space.

Workaround: Remove the soft link and run the installer again. You can recreate the soft link after installation.

HMA-312527 An error occurrs during an onplace upgrade from 11.1 to 12.1 with installer. This can be ignored.
HMA-312525 The name of configuration root node is not updated during upgrade from version 11.1 to version 12.1.


It can be resolved by running the following query on Unica Platform database:



Connection read-only mode is not enforceable after the connection has been established." No impact on application side. These can be ignored.

HMA-306114 Distorted Unica menu bar displays in IE, when the browser is not miximized and the Settings menu bar displays more items than that can fit in the browser window

Workaround: To display the menu bar correctly, mouse over the Help top menu or the notification envelope to provide menu.

HMA-244862 Client polling execution thread control is required.
HMA-268210 Usability - Title missing for SAML NVP attribute for user

In JBoss, the following warning is logged on JBoss console: Warning "Failed to define class com.sun.jersey.api.json.JSONWithPadding in Module "deployment.Campaign.war:main"

This can be ignored.


Jboss : Getting TimedOut error while deploying Platform war

This is resolved by setting java option

HMA-300725 For MariaDB with WAS setup, the following error is a known issue. This can be ignored as in MariaDB JDBC client, the MariaDbConnection class do not support the implementation of setTypeMap() API of JDBC Connection interface.

J2CA0081E: Method cleanup failed while trying to execute method cleanup on ManagedConnection WSRdbManagedConnectionImpl@425c7a23 from resource UnicaPlatformDS. Caught exception: DSRA0080E: An exception was received by the Data Store Adapter. See original exception message: Not yet supported. with SQL State : null SQL Code : 0

HMA-342933 Contact Central: Contact central details from properties file is not pre populated by installer while upgrade