Creating the JDBC connection in the web application server

About this task

The following guidelines are also applicable for Contact Central, if user selects Contact Central as a component during installation.

The Unica Platform web application must be able to communicate with its system table database using a JDBC connection.

You must create this JDBC connection in the web application server where you plan to deploy Unica Platform.

You can allow the installer to create this data source when you install Unica Platform. To enable automatic data source creation during installation, on the Datasource Creation panel, select the Create Platform Datasource check box and supply information about your application server.

  • The installer creates the data source using UnicaPlatformDS as the JNDI name.
  • Note that, if you are using WebLogic, you must add the JDBC driver to your classpath manually even if you allow the installer to create the data source. The installer does this automatically for WebSphere.
  • Also, if you are using Tomcat, you must add the JDBC driver to your classpath manually even if you allow the installer to create the data source.
  • Automatic data source creation during installation is not supported for the JBoss Application Server.

Follow these guidelines if you decide to create the data source manually.

  • In WebSphere®, set the classpath for your database driver during this process.
  • When the Unica Platform system tables are created in a different schema from the default schema of the database login user, you must specify that non-default schema name in the JDBC connection used to access the system tables.
  • In Tomcat, set the classpath for your database driver during this process.
  • In JBOSS, set the classpath for your database driver by adding the module for the JDBC driver and register the SQL JDBC driver.
  • You must use UnicaPlatformDS as the JNDI name. This name is required, and is noted in the Unica Platform installation worksheet.