Configuring the out-of-the-box integrations offered by Content Integration

Content Integration offers the following out-of-the-box integrations: Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), HCL WCM, HCL Digital Experience (DX) 95_CF205, HCL Commerce & Microsoft Azure (for cognitive services).

Before you begin

See Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.

About this task

To configure Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), HCL WCM, HCL DX, HCL Commerce & Microsoft Azure, complete the following steps:


  1. Setting up Adobe Experience Manager
    1. Select Settings > Configuration.
      The Configuration page appears.
    2. From the Configuration categories panel, expand Offer > partitions > partition <n> > Content Integration > Data Sources > Adobe Experience Manager.
      The Create category from template for the Adobe Experience Manager appears.
    3. Provide values for the following fields and click Save changes:
      • New category name - Specify an appropriate name to identify the new CMS. For example, AEM.
      • System Identifier - AEM.
      • User credentials
      • defaultUserCredentials
      • Data source name for credentials
      • Anonymous Content Access - When this field is set to No, then under CMS configuration, the content preview will not show the download icon. When set to Yes, it will show the download icon.

      For more information about the fields, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.

    4. In the Configuration properties pane, expand AEM and select HTTP Gateway.
      The Settings for 'HTTP Gateway' page appears.
    5. Select Edit settings.
      The (HTTP Gateway) Edit Settings page appears.
    6. For the AEM Base URL field, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    7. Click Save changes.
    8. In the Configuration properties pane, expand HTTP Gateway and select REST.
      The Settings for 'REST' page appears.
    9. Select Edit settings.
      The (REST) Edit Settings page appears.
    10. For the Authentication Type field, select the value Basic. If your AEM instance is set up to use a different authentication method, use a different value. For more information about the available values, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    11. Click Save changes.
    12. In the Configuration properties pane, expand QOS and select Retry Policy.
      The Settings for 'Retry Policy' page appears.
    13. Select Edit settings.
      The (Retry Policy) Edit Settings page appears.
    14. For the Retry policy configurations, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    15. Click Save changes.
  2. Publish status filter for Adobe Experience Manager
    Note: If you plan to upgrade Unica Content Integration, ensure that you create custom-plugin-services.yml, and store the customized configurations. After update two files will be created:
    • plugin-services.yml (for out of the box plugins)
    • custom-plugin-services.yml (for custom plugins)
    Installer will never overwrite custom-plugin-services.yml file since it will contain the service declarations for custom plugins as well as customization for out of the box services.
    1. In the plugin-services.yml file, available under <ASSET_PICKER_HOME>/conf directory, there exists a configuration for AEM under "systems" section. Under "AEM", the contentFilters configuration parameter contains a child parameter named publishStatus. This parameter filters search items by their published status. The parameter accepts only one of the following values: Published or Unpublished. Provide the required value.
    2. If you do not provide a value or if you provide an incorrect value, AEM returns matching content, irrespective of its published status. This is the default behavior because the publishStatus parameter, by default, is commented out.
  3. Setting up WCM
    1. Select Settings > Configuration.
      The Configuration page appears.
    2. From the Configuration categories panel, expand Offer > partitions > partition <n> > Content Integration > Data Sources > WCM.
      The Create category from template for the WCM appears.
    3. Provide values for the following fields and click Save changes:
      • New category name - Specify an appropriate name to identify the new CMS. For example, WCM.
      • System Identifier - WCM.
      • User credentials
      • defaultUserCredentials
      • Data source name for credentials
      • Anonymous Content Access - Set this to Yes.

      For more information about the fields, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.

    4. In the Configuration properties pane, expand WCM and select HTTP Gateway.
      The Settings for 'HTTP Gateway' page appears.
    5. Select Edit settings.
      The (HTTP Gateway) Edit Settings page appears.
    6. For the WCM Base URL field, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    7. Click Save changes.
    8. In the Configuration properties pane, expand HTTP Gateway and select REST.
      The Settings for 'REST' page appears.
    9. Select Edit settings.
      The (REST) Edit Settings page appears.
    10. For the Authentication Type field, select the value Basic. If your WCM instance is set up to use a different authentication method, use a different value. For more information about the available values, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    11. Click Save changes.
    12. In the Configuration properties pane, expand QOS and select Retry Policy.
      The Settings for 'Retry Policy' page appears.
    13. Select Edit settings.
      The (Retry Policy) Edit Settings page appears.
    14. For the Retry policy configurations, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    15. Click Save changes.
  4. Publish status filter for WCM
    Note: If you plan to upgrade Unica Content Integration, ensure that you back up the file plugin-services.yml, if you have customized the files. The installer overwrites the file and your customizations will be lost.
    1. In the plugin-services.yml file, available under <ASSET_PICKER_HOME>/conf directory, there exists a configuration for WCM under systems section. Under WCM, the contentFilters configuration parameter contains a child parameter named publishStatus. This parameter filters search items by their published status. The parameter accepts only one of the following values: DRAFT, PUBLISHED, or EXPIRED. Provide the required value.
    2. If you do not provide a value or if you provide an incorrect value, WCM returns matching content, irrespective of its published status. This is the default behavior because the publishStatus parameter, by default, is commented out.
    3. If you activate the publishStatus parameter or modify its value, an application restart is mandatory.
  5. Setting up HCL Digital Experience (DX-CORE)
    1. Select Settings > Configuration.
      The Configuration page appears.
    2. From the Configuration categories panel, expand Offer > partitions > partition <n> > Content Integration > Data Sources > HCL Digital Experience (DX).
      The Create category from template for the HCL Digital Experience (DX) appears.
    3. Provide values for the following fields and click Save changes:
      • New category name - Specify an appropriate name to identify the new CMS. For example, HCL - DX.
      • System Identifier - DX-CORE.
      • User credentials - Default user
      • defaultUserCredentials - asm_admin
      • Data source name for credentials - DX_NEW_DS
      • Anonymous Content Access - Set this to Yes.
      • Additional Parameters - async: true numberOfThreads: 4 dxMediaSystemIdentifier: DX

      For more information about the fields, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.

    4. Click Save changes.
    5. Ensure that the Data source name for credentials field is blank.
    6. In the Configuration properties pane, expand HCL - DX and select HTTP Gateway.
      The Settings for 'HTTP Gateway' page appears.
    7. Select Edit settings.
      The (HTTP Gateway) Edit Settings page appears.
    8. Provide a value for the Base URL field. If required, the Base URL can also be used for authenticating the HCL DX - Media Library credentials. See Step 6 for configuring HCL DX - Media Library. Click Save changes.
    9. In the Configuration properties pane, expand HTTP Gateway and select REST.
      The Settings for 'REST' page appears.
    10. Select Edit Settings.
      • Base URL - http://<dx_host>:<dx_port>/dx, where <dx_host>:<dx_port> is the host name and port number on which DX is configured.
      • contentBaseUrl - http://<dx_host>:<dx_port>, where <dx_host>:<dx_port> is the host name and port number on which DX is configured.
      • bypassProxy - No
    11. For the Authentication Type field, select the value None. If the HCL - DX instance is set up to use a different authentication method, use a different value. For more information about the available values, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    12. Click Save changes.
    13. In the Configuration properties pane, expand QOS and select Retry Policy.
      The Settings for 'Retry Policy' page appears.
    14. Select Edit settings.
      The (Retry Policy) Edit Settings page appears.
    15. For the Retry policy configurations, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    16. Click Save changes.

    17. Disable all the security checks for the DX_CCORE webhook url from Unica Platform > Security > API management > Unica Content Integration > Create a New Security Filter > /webhook/DX-CORE/events/*
      Note: Make to give the correct system Identifier. Default value is DX-CORE.
      • API URI - /webhook/DX-CORE/events/*
      • Block API access - Disabled
      • Secure API access over HTTPS - Enabled/Disabled as per your environment requirements.
      • Required authentication for API access - Disabled
      • Authentication mode - Not Required
      • Data source credential holder - Not Required
      • Data source - Not Required
  6. Setting up HCL DX - Media Library
    1. Select Settings > Configuration.
      The Configuration page appears.
    2. From the Configuration categories panel, expand Offer > partitions > partition <n> > Content Integration > Data Sources > (CMS Configuration Template).
      The Create category from template for the (CMS Configuration Template) appears.
    3. Provide values for the following fields and click Save changes:
      • New category name - Specify an appropriate name to identify the new CMS. For example, HCL DX - Media Library.
      • System Identifier - DX.
      • User credentials - Default user
      • defaultUserCredentials - asm_admin
      • Data source name for credentials - DX_NEW_DS
      • Anonymous Content Access - Set this to Yes.
      • additionalParameters - Provide a ringapi URL for authenticating HCL DX - Media Library. For example, apiLogonUrl: http://<domain-name>:port-number/dx/api/core/v1/auth/login. .

      For more information about the fields, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.

    4. Click Save changes.
    5. Ensure that the Data source name for credentials field is blank.
    6. In the Configuration properties pane, expand HCL DX - Media Library and select HTTP Gateway.
      The Settings for 'HTTP Gateway' page appears.
    7. Select Edit settings.
      The (HTTP Gateway) Edit Settings page appears.
    8. Provide an appropriate for the Base URL field. Click Save changes.
    9. In the Configuration properties pane, expand HTTP Gateway and select REST.
      The Settings for 'REST' page appears.
    10. Select Edit Settings.
      • Base URL - Please contact DX admin to get these details
      • contentBaseUrl - Please contact DX admin to get these details.
      • bypassProxy - No
    11. For the Authentication Type field, select the value None. If HCL DX - Media Library instance is set up to use a different authentication method, use a different value. For more information about the available values, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    12. Click Save changes.
    13. In the Configuration properties pane, expand QOS and select Retry Policy.
      The Settings for 'Retry Policy' page appears.
    14. Select Edit settings.
      The (Retry Policy) Edit Settings page appears.
    15. For the Retry policy configurations, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    16. Click Save changes.
  7. Setting up Azure
    1. Select Settings > Configuration.
      The Configuration page appears.
    2. From the Configuration categories panel, expandOffer > partitions > partition <n> > Content Integration > Data Sources > Azure
      The Create category from template for the Azure appears.
    3. Provide values for the following fields and click Save Changes
      • New category name - Azure
      • System Identifier - Azure
      • User credentials
      • defaultUserCredentials
      • Data source name for credentials
        Note: Data source password must contain the valid Azure subscription key. Username of the data source can be set to user.
      • Anonymous Content Access
      • Additional Parameters
    4. Click Save changes
    5. In the Configuration properties pane, expand Azure and select HTTP Gateway.
      The settings for HTTP Gateway appear.
    6. Select Edit Settings.
      • Base URL - End point of deployed cloud azure service. For Example: https://<xxxxx>
      • contentBaseUrl
      • bypassProxy
    7. Click Save changes.
    8. In the Configuration properties pane, expand HTTP Gateway and select REST.
      The Settings for REST page appears
    9. Select Edit settings
      The (REST) Edit Settings page appears.
    10. For the Authentication Type field, select the value None
    11. Click Save changes.
  8. Setting up HCL Commerce
    1. Select Settings > Configuration.
      The Configuration page appears.
    2. From the Configuration categories panel, expandOffer > partitions > partition <n> > Content Integration > Data Sources > HCL Commerce
      The Create category from template for the HCL Commerce appears.
    3. Provide values for the following fields and click Save Changes
      • New category name - Specify an appropriate name to identify the new CMS. For example, Emerald.
      • System Identifier - Commerce Emerald.
        Note: Multiple stores can be onboarded by prefixing the identifier with Commerce, followed by a space and the store name. Example: Commerce Sapphire, Commerce Store 1, Commerce Store 2 and so on.
      • User credentials
      • defaultUserCredentials
      • Data source name for credentials
      • Anonymous Content Access
      • Additional Parameters - Each parameter should be separated by new line. Make sure to add a space after colon [:] while editing the values. Contact commerce admin to obtain the required values.
        • storeId: 11
        • contractId: 11005
        • langId: -1
        • currency: USD
    4. Click Save changes
    5. In the Configuration properties pane, expand HTTP Gateway and select REST.
      The Settings for REST page appears.

      Select Edit settings.

    6. Select Edit settings.
      The (REST) Edit Settings page appears.
    7. For the Authentication Type field, select the value None.
    8. Click Save changes.
    Note: For commerce products, deep search is not supported at category level. Commerce is looking into this limitation (ticket no: HC-8872) and it will be addressed in future versions.
  9. Setting up Snap-CAST
    1. Select Settings > Configuration.
      The Configuration page appears.
    2. From the Configuration categories panel, expand Offer > partitions > partition <n> > Content Integration > Data Sources > Snap-CAST.
      The Create category from template for the Snap-CAST appears.
    3. Provide values for the following fields and click Save changes:
      • New category name - Specify an appropriate name to identify the new CMS. For example, Snap-CAST.
      • System Identifier - Snap-CAST.
      • User credentials
      • defaultUserCredentials
      • Data source name for credentials
      • Anonymous Content Access - When this field is set to No, then under CMS configuration, the content preview will not show the download icon. When set to Yes, it will show the download icon.
      • Additional Parameters - You must configure the following additional key-value parameters. The value for the key-value parameters are examples and can be customized as per your requirement:
        commandCode: "InterDependentTaggingRequest" 
        dbSchemaName: "GigBazaar" 
        version: "v1_0_0_1" 
        textType: 1 
        adInputId: 1 
        score: 100 
        textSourceOrigin: "Unica Generic" 
        textProcessorService: "Snap-CAST" 
        imageSourceOrigin: "Unica Generic" 
        imageProcessorService: "AWS.Rekognition v1" 
        blocking: 1

      If you face issues with the key-value parameters, contact your Snap-CAST service provider.

      Asset picket will get notified by the user event with user data which will in turn send user data to


    4. In the Configuration properties pane, expand Snap-CAST and select HTTP Gateway.
      The Settings for 'HTTP Gateway' page appears.
    5. Select Edit settings.
      The (HTTP Gateway) Edit Settings page appears.
    6. For the Snap-CAST Base URL field, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    7. Click Save changes.
    8. In the Configuration properties pane, expand HTTP Gateway and select REST.
      The Settings for 'REST' page appears.
    9. Select Edit settings.
      The (REST) Edit Settings page appears.
    10. For the Authentication Type field, select the value None. If your Snap-CAST instance is set up to use a different authentication method, use a different value. For more information about the available values, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    11. Click Save changes.
    12. In the Configuration properties pane, expand QOS and select Retry Policy.
      The Settings for 'Retry Policy' page appears.
    13. Select Edit settings.
      The (Retry Policy) Edit Settings page appears.
    14. For the Retry policy configurations, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    15. Click Save changes.
  10. Setting up GoogleVision
    1. Select Settings > Configuration.
      The Configuration page appears.
    2. From the Configuration categories panel, expand Offer > partitions > partition <n> > Content Integration > Data Sources > GoogleVision .
      The Create category from template for the GoogleVision appears.
    3. Provide values for the following fields and click Save changes:
      • New category name - Specify an appropriate name to identify the new CMS. For example, GoogleVision .
      • System Identifier - GoogleVision .
      • User credentials
      • defaultUserCredentials
      • Data source name for credentials
      • Anonymous Content Access - When this field is set to No, then under CMS configuration, the content preview will not show the download icon. When set to Yes, it will show the download icon.
      • Additional Parameters - You must configure the following additional key-value parameters. The value for the key-value parameters are examples and can be customized as per your requirement:
        landmarkAnnotationsScoreThreshold: 0.50
        labelAnnotationsScoreThreshold: 0.50
        localizedObjectAnnotationsScoreThreshold: 0.50
        logoAnnotationsScoreThreshold: 0.50

        If you do not configure the above parameters, 0.80 will be considered as the default value.

      For more information about the fields, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.

    4. In the Configuration properties pane, expand GoogleVision and select HTTP Gateway.
      The Settings for 'HTTP Gateway' page appears.
    5. Select Edit settings.
      The (HTTP Gateway) Edit Settings page appears.
    6. For the GoogleVision Base URL field, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    7. Click Save changes.
    8. In the Configuration properties pane, expand HTTP Gateway and select REST.
      The Settings for 'REST' page appears.
    9. Select Edit settings.
      The (REST) Edit Settings page appears.
    10. For the Authentication Type field, select the value None. If your GoogleVision instance is set up to use a different authentication method, use a different value. For more information about the available values, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    11. Click Save changes.
    12. In the Configuration properties pane, expand QOS and select Retry Policy.
      The Settings for 'Retry Policy' page appears.
    13. Select Edit settings.
      The (Retry Policy) Edit Settings page appears.
    14. For the Retry policy configurations, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    15. Click Save changes.
  11. Setting up GoogleLanguage
    1. Select Settings > Configuration.
      The Configuration page appears.
    2. From the Configuration categories panel, expand Offer > partitions > partition <n> > Content Integration > Data Sources > GoogleLanguage.
      The Create category from template for the GoogleLanguage appears.
    3. Provide values for the following fields and click Save changes:
      • New category name - Specify an appropriate name to identify the new CMS. For example, GoogleLanguage.
      • System Identifier - GoogleLanguage.
      • User credentials
      • defaultUserCredentials
      • Data source name for credentials
      • Anonymous Content Access - When this field is set to No, then under CMS configuration, the content preview will not show the download icon. When set to Yes, it will show the download icon.
      • Additional Parameters

      For more information about the fields, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.

    4. In the Configuration properties pane, expand Snap-CAST and select HTTP Gateway.
      The Settings for 'HTTP Gateway' page appears.
    5. Select Edit settings.
      The (HTTP Gateway) Edit Settings page appears.
    6. For the GoogleLanguage Base URL field, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    7. Click Save changes.
    8. In the Configuration properties pane, expand HTTP Gateway and select REST.
      The Settings for 'REST' page appears.
    9. Select Edit settings.
      The (REST) Edit Settings page appears.
    10. For the Authentication Type field, select the value Basic. If your GoogleLanguage instance is set up to use a different authentication method, use a different value. For more information about the available values, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    11. Click Save changes.
    12. In the Configuration properties pane, expand QOS and select Retry Policy.
      The Settings for 'Retry Policy' page appears.
    13. Select Edit settings.
      The (Retry Policy) Edit Settings page appears.
    14. For the Retry policy configurations, see Configuring a third-party CMS for integration with Unica Content Integration.
    15. Click Save changes.
  12. Setting up Mailchimp
    1. Select Settings > Configuration.
      The Configuration page appears.
    2. From the Configuration categories panel, expand Unica Product > Content Integration > dataSources > Mailchimp.
      The Settings for Mailchimp page appears.
    3. Provide values for the following fields and click Save changes:
      • System Identifier - Mailchimp.
      • User credentials - Default User
      • defaultUserCredentials - asm_admin
      • Data source name for credentials - Name added in this field should be same as user datasouce name. Credentials will be user name - user (all lower case) and for password refer -
      • Anonymous Content Access
    4. In the Configuration properties pane, expand Mailchimp and select httpGateway.
      The Settings for 'httpGateway' page appears.
    5. Select Edit settings.
      The (httpGateway) Edit Settings page appears.
    6. For the Mailchimp Base URL field, the URL comprises of datasource followed by mailchimp login. For example - https://<data_center> Refer
    7. Click Save changes.
    8. In the Configuration properties pane, expand HTTP Gateway and select REST.
      The Settings for 'REST' page appears.
    9. Select Edit settings.
      The (REST) Edit Settings page appears.
    10. For the Authentication Type field, select the value Basic. If your Mailchimp instance is set up to use a different authentication method, use a different value.
    11. Click Save changes.
    12. Disable all the security checks for the mailchimp webhook url from Unica Platform > Security > API management > Unica Content Integration > Create a New Security Filter > /webhook/Mailchimp/events/*
      • API URI - /webhook/Mailchimp/events/*
      • Block API access - Disabled
      • Secure API access over HTTPS - Enabled/Disabled as per your environment requirements.
      • Required authentication for API access - Disabled
      • Authentication mode - Not Required
      • Data source credential holder - Not Required
      • Data source - Not Required
      Mailchimp Integration with Unica

      To integrate Mailchimp application with Unica system, complete the following list of procedures:

      Signing Up and Signing into Mailchimp account
      1. Access the following URL:

      2. To create an account, use either your official email address, Gmail account or Facebook. If required, you can continue with your Google account or Apple account.
      API key generation
      1. For generating API key, navigate to Profile > Extra > API keys.
      2. The screen will have a link that will help in creating a key.
      3. Click Create a Key.
      4. Your API key will be generated.
      5. User can generate multiple API keys and integrate them with different data sources in Platform.
        Note: This key will be the password while setting up mailchimp data source in platform.

      Create data source in Platform (Mailchimp)

      Configuring the out-of-the-box integrations offered by Content Integration

      Set Audience

      After Mailchimp account is created successfully, user can set one or multiple audiences. This is an optional step, user can continue with existing audiences. For setting Audience follow the below steps:
      1. Navigate to Audience > Manage Audience > settings.
      2. Click Audience Fields and *|MERGE|* tags.
      3. Provide values to the visible fields
      4. Click on Add a Field for adding new fields (if required)
      Create Webhook
      1. Before creating a webhook security checks needs to be disabled. Refer
      2. Navigate to Manage Audience > settings.
      3. Click Webhook
      4. Add URL in Configured webhooks fields
      5. Click Create New Webhook
        Note: The added url (https://<unica-domain>/asset-viewer/api/AssetPicker/webhook/Mailchimp/events/webhook_listener) should be publicly available on internet. Update the Unica domain as per your environment.
      6. Select all the available option
      7. Click Update
      Add Subscriber (Optional)
      1. Navigate to Manage Audience > Add a subscriber.
      2. Provide values for the following fields:
        • Email Address
        • First Name
        • Last Name
        • Address
        • …… so on
      3. Click Update
      Note: Refer Mailchimp system to invite a subscriber and update profile.

      Content Integration Framework will get notified by the user event with user data which will in turn send user data to Journey.

  13. Setting up Journey
    1. Access the Unica Journey application with administrator privileges.
    2. Open the Unica Journey Administrator's Guide and perform the steps mentioned in Settings > REST Integration > Creating a new REST integration.
    3. Access the Unica Platform application.
    4. Select Settings > Users.
    5. Select the username you want to register for app credentials. For example, asm_admin.
    6. Click Edit data sources.
    7. Click Add new.
    8. For the Data source field, provide the value JOURNEY_DS.
    9. For the Data source login field, provide the value of Client ID that you copied from the app.
    10. For the Data source password and Confirm password fields, provide the value of Client Secret that you copied from the app.
    11. Click Save changes.
    12. From the Configuration categories panel, expand Unica Product > Content Integration > dataSources > Journey.
      The Settings for Journey page appears.
    13. Provide values for the following fields and click Save changes:
      • System Identifier - Journey.
      • User credentials - Default User
      • defaultUserCredentials - asm_admin
      • Data source name for credentials - JOURNEY_DS (as set up in Step h.
      • Anonymous Content Access - Yes
    14. Select HTTP Gateway and click Edit settings.
    15. For the Base URL field, provide the value http://<unica_domain>/journey and click Save changes, where:
      <unica_domain> is the domain name or host name where the Journey is hosted.
    16. Select REST and click Edit settings.
    17. For the Authentication Type field, provide the value None and click Save changes.
  14. Setting up Slack
    Configuring Slack will involve configurations that must be done on Slack and configurations that will be done on Unica. For more information, see Configuring Slack for Integration with Unica.