Difference between the Unica Campaign Schedule process and Unica Scheduler

Starting with the 8.0 release of Unica Platform, the Unica Scheduler is intended to replace the Unica Campaign Schedule process for scheduling runs of an entire flowchart. The Unica Scheduler is more efficient, as it does not consume any server system resources when the flowchart is not actually running.

The Unica Scheduler starts a flowchart even if it is not running, while the Unica Campaign Schedule process in a flowchart works only if the flowchart is running.

The Unica Campaign Schedule process is preserved for full compatibility with earlier versions, and for other use cases not handled by the Unica Scheduler. For example, you might want to use the Unica Campaign Schedule process to send Unica Campaign triggers or to delay execution of dependent processes.

Do not use the Unica Scheduler to schedule a flowchart that uses the Unica Campaign Schedule process as the top-level process that starts a flowchart run. Typically, only one or the other is necessary. However, if the Schedule process appears in a flowchart that is started by the Unica Scheduler, it functions as configured; conditions required by the Unica Scheduler and the Schedule process must be met before subsequent processes run.

Unlike the Unica Scheduler, the Unica Campaign Schedule process can send external triggers to call command-line scripts. The Unica Scheduler can send triggers only to its own schedules.

The flowchart is designed to automatically retry a failed process box, a certain number of times with a specified delay between each retry, but only during scheduled runs. The flowchart will mark the status as failed if it is unable to retrieve a database connection within the retry interval.

The configuration parameters for the number of retries (numberOfRetries) and delay between retries (delayBetweenRetries) are customizable under the settings Campaign|partitions| partition[n]|server|flowchartRun, with a default value of zero. By default, the flowchart will not automatically retry any failed process boxes during scheduled runs.

It is important to note that this behaviour only applies to scheduled runs, so if the flowchart runs manually or triggered in some other way, the retry mechanism may not be activated. Additionally, if the retry interval is too long or the number of retries is too high, it could potentially cause performance issues or other problems, so these parameters should be carefully considered and adjusted as required.