Installing Unica Platform

You must run the Unica installer to start the installation of Unica Platform. The Unica installer starts the Unica Platform installer during the installation process. Make sure that the Unica installer and the product installer are saved at the same location.

Each time that you run the Unica suite installer, you must first enter database connection information for the Unica Platform system tables. When the Unica Platform installer starts, you must enter the required information for Unica Platform.

After installing Unica Platform, you can create an EAR file for your product, and you can install the reports package for your product. Creating the EAR file and installing the reports package are not mandatory actions.

Important: Before you install Unica Platform, make sure that the available temporary space on the computer where you install Unica Platform is more than three times the size of the Unica Platform installer.

Installation files

The installation files are named according to the version of the product and the operating system on which they must be installed, except UNIX. For UNIX, different installation files exist for the X Window System mode and the console mode.

The following table displays examples of the installation files that are named according to the product version and the operating system:
Note: For Suse Linux operating system use the corresponding product Linux build except for Campaign and Optimize.
Note: : EAR deployments are not supported on Tomcat application server
Table 1. Installation files

This two-columned table provides the name of the operating systems in one column, and the name of the installation files for the operating system in the second column.

Operating system Installation file
Windows: GUI and console mode

Product_N.N.N.N_win64.exe, where Product is the name of your product, N.N.N.N is the version number of your product, and Windows 64-bit is the operating system on which the file must be installed.


where Product is the name of your product, N.N.N.N is the version number of your product, and Windows 64-bit is the operating system on which the file must be installed.

UNIX: X Window System mode

Product_N.N.N.N_linux.bin, where Product is the name of your product, and N.N.N.N is the version number of your product.

Product_N.N.N.N_linux.bin, where Product is the name of your product, and N.N.N.N is the version number of your product.

Product_N.N.N.N_RHEL64.bin, where Product is the name of your product, and N.N.N.N is the version number of your product.

UNIX: Console mode Product_N.N.N.N.bin, where Product is the name of your product, and N.N.N.N is the version number of your product. This file can be used for installation on all UNIX operating systems.
SUSE Linux Product_N.N.N.N_linuxsuse64.bin, where Product is the name of your product, and N.N.N.N is the version number of your product. This file can be used for installation on all SUSE Linux operating systems.