Configuring Unica Contact Central

After assigning the ContactCentralAdmin user role, you must configure Contact Central before you start accessing it.

About this task

To configure Unica Contact Central, complete the following steps:


  1. From the Unica homepage, select Settings > Configuration.
    The Configuration page appears.
  2. In the Configuration properties panel, expand Contact Central and select navigation.
    The Settings for 'navigation' page appears.
  3. Select Edit settings.
    The Edit settings page apperas.
  4. Provide values for the appropriate fields:
    • welcomePageURI - The Uniform Resource Identifier of the Contact Central index page. This value is used internally by Unica applications. Changes to this value are not recommended.

      Default value: jsp/index.jsp

    • seedName - Used internally by Unica applications. Changes to this value are not recommended.

      Default value: ContactCentral

    • type - Used internally by Unica applications. Changes to this value are not recommended.

      Default value: ContactCentral

    • httpPort - The port number that is used by the application server for connections to the Contact Central application.

      Default value: 7001

    • httpPorts - The port number that is used by the application server for secure connections to the Contact Central application.

      Default value: 7001

    • serverURL - The URL of the Contact Central installation. Accepts locators with either the HTTP or HTTPS protocol. If users access Contact Central with the Chrome browser, use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) in the URL. If the FQDN is not used, the Chrome browser cannot access the product URLs.

      Default value: http://<domain-name>:<port-number>/ContactCentral

    • logoutURL - Used internally. Changes to this value are not recommended. Unica Platform uses this value to call the logout handler of each registered application if the user clicks the logout link in suite.

      Default value: /j_spring_security_logout

    • serverURLInternal - Specifies the internal URL of the Contact Central server. This value is used internally by Unica applications. Changes to this value are not recommended.

      Default value: [HOST_URL_INTERNAL]/ContactCentral

    • displayName - Used internally.

      Default value: Contact Central

    • IsEnabled - Set the value to Yes to activate the ContactCentral menu in Unica Platform. The menu will be visible only to users having the the ContactCentralAdmin role assigned to them.

      Default value: No

  5. Click Save changes.
    The configuration changes are saved.
    Note: If the setup is configured over an HTTP protocol, ensure that Secure API access over HTTPS parameter, within Unica Platform > Security > API management > Contact Central, is set to Disabled.